Chapter 16

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I head to the only hospital in town. Lia has to be there. It's pretty convenient that the hospital is only a few blocks away from me because I can walk. My mind still can't get over the party three days ago.

Once I get to the hospital I walk in and a front desk lady greets me.

"Hello," she says. "Who are you here for?"

"Lia," I respond.

"Lia..what?" She questions.

Shit. It never hit me to ask Lia's last name. I probably should know it though, but honestly I don't.

"I don't know her last name..," I say. Whoops.

"Uh.. okay. I'll just look up this Lia in my system," she responds and types something in the computer in front of her. "Okay, I found Lia. Her last name is Johnson, and she is in Room 551 on the west ward of the hospital on the 3rd floor."

"Thanks," I say and start walking towards the door. Before my hand touches thee door the front desk lady calls out, "Sir!"

"Yes," I say as I turn around.

"Lia's room is only open to family right now," she says. "Try coming back in a few days." Great. School starts back up tomorrow, and she said a 'few days' and I don't really have time for that.

"Um.okay..thanks," I muffle and leave awkward.


School starts back up the next day and Lia still isn't in school. I never got the chance to visit her in the hospital yesterday and I feel bad. I have so many suspicions on what happened to her, all of them pointing towards JC. Maybe because she kissed me, he did something to her. I know this wasn't an accident. It can't be.

I head to my locker to get my stuff for first period when I notice a weird note taped to it.

WATCH YOUR BACK -J it reads.

JC. Of course. He's always trying to do things and be shady about it. I really can't stand him.


I come home from school and immediately go up to my room. Jack's still ignoring me, and I still don't know what I did wrong. That question at the party last week was nothing, or maybe it did mean something to him. I feel so bad, all I've done was pester him with what happened on that first day of school. I can't help it honestly, I want to know.

I really want to know.

Dillon High (A Youtuber Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ