Chapter 3

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Great. I can't even find the freaking Spanish room. I dig in my pocket to find the school map. As I hopelessly look for Room 129, I bump into a boy with big glasses and lilac hair.

"Sorry," I say.

"It's fine!" He says politely. "You look lost."

"I am. I'm looking for the Spanish room," I say.

"It's down the hall and to the right. I'll walk with you!" He offers.

"It's fine, really. Don't you have a class to be in?" I ask.

"Having your mom as the principal of your school has its perks. Let's go, it's already 5 minutes into 1st period," He says and we start walking.

"I'm Tyler," he says.

"I'm Anthony."

"Well, here's the Spanish room," he says minutes later.

"Thanks," I respond.

"Hey, me and a couple friends are going to the movies tonight. You want to come?" he invites.

"Uhm.. sure I guess..," I say. I literally just met this guy three minutes ago, and he's already inviting me to stuff? "What movie are we going to see?"

"Don't know. Maybe The Fault In Our Stars," he offers.

"Sure that's fine."

"Cool! Meet me at the movie theaters at Main Street at 7."

"Sorry for making you late," he says looking guilty.

"It's fine," I say truthfully.

"Great. See you tonight," he says and walks away.

I open the door to the Spanish room. No one seems to notice my presence so I take the only desk left in the room.

"Mr. Melendez, what's the project?" A girl in the front of the room asks.

"You're all going to partner up and write a two page essay in complete Spanish," he responds. He looks too young to even be certified as a teacher.

"First day as a freshman and we already have homework? Damn," the boy I remember as JC from homeroom says, basically speaking my thoughts.

"It's due on September 19. So you have 3 weeks. Let me read you off the partners," Mr. Melendez responds.

"Jenn M. & Andrea R.," he says, making two girls stand up and squeal.

"Andrew L. & Connor F.,"

"Anthony Q. & Kian L.," he says and makes me cringe. Who the hell is this Kian guy?

When Mr. Melendez finishing telling the project partnerships, I find out just who Kian is as a tall skinny boy comes over to my desk.

(thanks to my friend Regina for helping me with the idea for Kian! And I changed Anthony's biology class to Spanish to anyone who was wondering aha)

Dillon High (A Youtuber Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora