Chapter 23

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I head back to my locker after Chemistry to put my books back and get my wallet out of my bag to get ready for lunch. Just as I head to lunch, I hear an announcement over the loudspeaker.

Anthony Quintal, please report to the main office. This can't be good. I have to completely turn around and head the other way to the main office. I open my locker and put my wallet back.

Once I get to the office, I sit down on the chair outside of the office until a woman comes out and calls my name. She leads me down a hallway and into a room where Mrs. Oakley is already sitting at a desk.

"Hello, Anthony." Mrs. Oakley says.

"Hi..uhm..I mean..hello," I stutter to say.

"Well, someone came into my office earlier and told me about someone leaving some..threats in your locker," she says and I freak out. I knew telling Lia, Jenn, Troye, Jack, and Andrea would be a bad idea. It has to be one of them, they're the only ones that know.

"Who told you that," I ask.

"They said they wanted to remain anonymous," says Mrs. Oakley. "Has this been happening constantly?"

"Not that much," I lie.

"Hmm. How many notes have you gotten from them?"

"Just one," I lie again.

"Oh. I just wanted to know some stuff so we could maybe make a compromise of something." Mrs. Oakley says. "You can go."

"Thank you," I say and exit.

I head back down the hallway and turn to get back to my locker. When I open it millions of notes flood out of my locker. What the heck? I pick one up and read it.

Friday. -J

I pick another one up it reads the same. What's going to happen on Friday? I run back down the hallway to the office until I reach Mrs. Oakley. I burst through the door and hold up the note.

"Anthony, what's-" she begins until she sees the note. I drop the note on her desk and she picks it up to read it.

When she finishes she puts the note down and looks at me.

Silence. I can tell by the panic in her eyes when she looks at me that she knows what this mean.

Something is going to happen on Friday.

And it's not going to be pretty.

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