Chapter 2

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A woman who looks to be in her late 30s hands me my schedule and tells me to go to the elevator a few feet down the hall to get to homeroom.

"What homeroom are you in?" Jack asks.

"Room 114 on the 2nd floor. Y-" I get interrupted by a small squeal from Jack.

"Same!" he practically shrieks.

"Well let's get on the elevator," I say as the elevator doors pull open. "It would literally suck to be late on the first day."

The elevator ride seems to take longer than the bus ride as it trenches up the two floors. When we get off we instantly find Room 114 and open the doors. All eyes go on us and it feels too uncomfortable. Jack and I take the seats at the desks in the back of the room.

"Well now that everyone is here I might as well introduce myself and take roll," our teacher says, earning eye rolls from everyone in the room, including Jack and me.

"My name is Nicole, but you'll call me Mrs. Moran. I teach Physics. I graduated from Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with a degree in secondary education. Philly is about 5 hours away from here in Connecticut. My son Trevor is a freshman here too, but he is in Room 117. I hope you guys have fun this year! I'm so excited to teach a freshman class," she ends. This lady is way too perky. "I guess I'll take roll now."

"Rebecca Black,"

"Here," a girl with dark brown curly hair says.

"JC Caylen,"

"Here," a boy with a deep voice and brownish-blonde hair says.

"Connor Franta,"

"Here," a boy who like Jack, looks like he spent years on his hair.

"Felix Kjellberg,"

"Here," says a boy who has long blonde hair and a small amount of facial hair on his chin.

The list goes on until my name is called.

"Anthony Quintal," Mrs. Moran says.

"Here," I nearly yell and my voice cracks, earning a laugh from the whole room.

"Great job, idiot." I say to myself under my breath.

"It's okay," Jack says sympathetically. "I did it too. It's just first day jitters."

"Zoella S-" Mrs. Moran is interrupted by a voice from the front of the room.

"It's just Zoe. And I'm here," she says. She has a slight British accent.

"Okay! Great," Mrs. Moran says. "There won't be any morning announcements this morning, instead Mrs. Oakley, our principal, will be coming to all the classes and talking to the freshmen about the code of conduct."

Someone screeches "FIRST PERIOD" over the loudspeaker and everyone stands up. I check my schedule.

1st Period: Biology // ROOM 129

2nd Period: Art // ROOM 136

3rd Period: Spanish // ROOM 114

4rd Period: Algebra // ROOM 119

5th Period: English // ROOM 122

6th Period: Lunch // CAFETERIA //

7th Period: History // ROOM 155

8th Period: P.E. // GYM //

I'm so happy I have P.E. last period because instead of smelling like wet dog in front of everyone, I can just go home and shower. Also because all of my classes are on the 2nd Floor.

"Uhm.. Anthony," Mrs. Moran says and I look up. "1st Period started 3 minutes ago. You're late!"

"Oh," I say awkwardly and walk out of the room.

Dillon High (A Youtuber Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon