Chapter 13

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"What the actual fuck was that?" JC stands up and yells.

"Calm down, it's just a game. Anthony it's you turn," Frankie says. JC looks so defeated, and I feel really bad.

"Jack," I say. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth," he says.

"Okay," I say. I expected him to say dare so I really didn't have anything planned. Then I realize that I have the perfect question that I've been wondering for months now.

"Why were you in the principal's office on the first day of school?" I ask and instantly regret it.

Jack's face goes pale once again just like on the first day of school.

"It's too long of a story," He responds.

"We have time," Sawyer from P.E. says.

"I have to go," Jack says and gets up and runs inside. I stand to go after him but Tyler says, "He'll come through. Just give it a little."

"No. You just messed with my best friend and I won't have it."

"Actually it was you who asked the question..," Tyler says, clearly confused.

"Well actually this never would've happened if you never said we should play truth or dare," I respond. I know I sound like a child, but I need to get my point through to him that this was a bad idea.

I walk into the house and try to find Jack. When I find him, he's sitting on the brown couch crying. Fuck. I approach him and sit down.

"Jack, are you okay?" I ask.

"Get the hell away from me," Jack responds unexpectedly. I obey and move away. I don't want to cause anymore harm than I already have. I head to the kitchen and try to find a drink that's not alcoholic. These kids must be out of their minds drinking underage. They're basically showing that they don't care what anyone thinks of them. Even if it breaks the law. I don't know why I asked Jack that question. It's clearly something sensitive to him so I should just leave it alone. My mind is just swirling right now, from me nearly yelling at Tyler, Lia kissing me, and Jack telling me to go away, this New Years' really isn't turning out the way I thought it would.

I eventually find some water in the fridge so I just pour myself a cup. I go out of the kitchen just as a blonde girl, clearly tipsy, comes in and looks for beer. I see Tyler coming in from the backyard door and he notices me back. He comes up to me.

"Follow me," Tyler says. He sounds drunk. He leads me upstairs and opens a door to what seems to be a bedroom and tells me to lay down. What?

"Close your eyes." He demands and I listen. I close my eyes and I hear rustling like clothes are being moved. Huh?

"Open them." I obey once again and see something that shocks and scares me at the same time.

Dillon High (A Youtuber Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora