•||•C H A P T E R7: PART4•||•

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T R A C K: All She Knows~ Bruno Mars.

Third Person's Perspective:


"Hey, what's wrong." She whispered softly as she traced mindlessly on his bare chest, inhaling his lingering faint scent. Her heart leaps in her chest. The steady breathing causing his chest to rise and fall, the thudding she heard his heart do all added to the tranquillity she felt when she rested in his warm, firm embrace.

She glanced up to meet his gaze, her chin seated on his chest as he stared down at her. He stared down at her long and hard, as if contemplating what he was about to do or say. This caused her brows to draw in confusion. She was concerned now, wondering what was going on in his mind.

"Are you okay?" She asked softly with a question mark at the end of her sentence. She never wanted to see him sad, angry, frowning, worried ,stressed, irritated...the list is endless, all she wanted to do was to make him happy. Happy to call her his own. Happy to be with her. She fed off of his happiness, in a peculiar sense his happiness was her purpose, her joy, her everything.

Pathetic, some would say. But growing up and feeling like you aren't worth anything for so long and then after some time finding someone who actually believes you are, will do that to you. She believed if he thought she was worth all the baggage , all the past problems ,all the constant reassuring he had to do...than logically his happiness and love was worth every fight ,argument and tear she had shed and every heartache she had felt .

It was worth it for somebody who thought she was worth it.

"Nothing. Can you get off? I want to go take a shower." His tone was stoic as he basically brushed her off whilst slowly getting up. A frown rose to her lips as she felt a slight pang of hurt.

Was he angry at me?

Did I do something wrong?

"Hey, seriously what's wrong?" She deepened the question as she quickly grabbed a shirt of his ,scattered somewhere on the floor of his bed, putting it on as he rose to his feet. He turned around to face her, a bored expression on his face whilst she stared up at him with concern and confusion.

"Nothing." He answered lazily as he shrugged, making his way to his closet to go grab himself a towel. She felt her heart plunge in hurt as she stared at his contracting back. He was tense, something was bothering him, but he was hiding it from her.

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