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Never forget how wildly capable you are.


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  T RA CK: Love Someone~ Lukas Graham

Third Person's Perspective


His fingers gently traced down her bare arm as the shimmering sun rays painted themselves onto her being. Staring at her sleeping figure with admiration as his heart pounded against his chest, memories of last night coming back in hot quick flashes. Her curls sprawled out onto the satin pillowcase as her breathing came out calm and steady, eyes fluttered close and pink lips staring up at him.

"You are so beautiful. . ." He whispered quietly, his body invaded by chills as her strawberry scent engulfed his senses. He breathed in deeply, eyes flattering close, as he felt his nerves buzz with the slight scent. He opened them again, looking back at her—she was still there.

Still laying beside him.

Still loving him.

He breathed. "You're so perfect, closest thing to perfection in my life Zahra. . .and the way you make me feel so.....alive, loved and....needed." He sighed, chuckling softly to himself.

I must be out of my mind! Talking to her when she's asleep?

He thought amused as his hands trembled slightly as a shaky breath left his lips softly. His heart, not giving him rest. He turned to face her, hand reaching to graze the side of her face, skin quivering at the bolts of electricity shooting through him.

He smiled.

She looked so peaceful, so undeniably beautiful. That's what he adored most about her, how she was so effortlessly herself in every single way possible. Even though the steel bars of pride held him back from ever admitting his emotions, he was jubilant that she saw it in his eyes every time. He didn't know how she could see it, but he was glad she could.

He began to slowly and quietly get out of the tangled mess of sheets and duvets they laid underneath without waking her. His mission was a success as he stood and reached for a pair of boxers from his drawer beside his bed. He puts it on, stretches for a few before heading for his bathroom to begin his morning routine.

But, he decided to glance back at her for one more moment. To see her again at her most calm, most peaceful and absolutely most beautiful.

To imprint her exotic image into his memory, might need it for later.

His gleaming hazel green almost grey-ish eyes landed on her. She was already staring up at him, her breath hitches the moment their eyes meet. She stares and admires the beauty of the mixture of colors his iris spews, making her heart almost skip a beat. She bit her bottom lip slowly as she continued to stare, him equally matching her intrigue.

She smiled—matter-of-fact smirked when she noticed the smile he wore staring at her, his eyes gleaming a different type of shine. It took her breath away every time he looked at her like that.

Like she was the only girl in his world.

Her heart raced faster than her thoughts passing through her mind and all of him.

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