•||•C H A P T E R 9: PART1•||•

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"Remember how we used to party up all night? Sneaking out late, looking for a taste to really life."

~Lana Del Rey [What Makes Us Girls]


Sorry for any typos, errors—especially grammatical ones. PLEASE TAP THE STAR AND VOTE FOR SUPPORT! :) Also don't forget to COMMENT your thoughts on the chapter, they literally make me happy:) to see when you guys interact with the story! Enjoy!

T R A C K : What Makes Us Girls—Lana del Rey.

Third Person's Perspective.

[Continuation Of Part 4]

"Hey let's get out of here!" He whispered down her ear, his hot breath causing the hairs at the back of her neck to stand as his hand stroked down her arm. She glanced down at it, before glancing up into his dark brown eyes that reflected adrenaline and excitement. They sucked her into another world of adventure, mystery and exhilarating mischief. They wrapped themselves around her body in a way that caused her breath to hitch.

Words escaped her, so she merely nodded, as he offered her a warm smile. His fingers curled around her wrist and he made his way through the crowd with her right behind him, her heart beat escalating with every step. Her breathing grew unsteady as a smile etched its way onto her lips, as an excitement of the unknown consumed her.

They fell into the cool evening breeze, like cold water poured onto you in bed, her body awoke. He threw his red solo cup somewhere onto the ground as he breathed in the fresh air. His back turned to her she took time to figure out if she was ready for the obvious chaos that laid ahead. "I'm so glad you decided to come with me, this is going to be crazy fun." He said with a mischievous grin, as a shiver ran down her spine in anticipation.

"Let's go, c'mon." He urged her as they went to his garage where she saw his beautifully sexy motorcycle. "Woah!" She thought breathlessly as she passed past him going on ahead to caress the flanks of the gleaming machine with drooling eyes. Her heart beat leaped in excitement as her eyes twinkled in a way that caused Xenon to admire her in such a way that made sparks explode on her skin. "This bike is sick! Can I ride it?" She asked eagerly as she climbed on without waiting for his permission.

The feeling she got from the rubber around the handles caused her heart to squeal as Xenon appeared from beside her with the keys for the bike dangling in his fingers. "Just try to not get us both killed sweetheart." Xenon said as she eagerly took the keys and punched them into the ignition, the bike roaring to life as an exhilarating amount of adrenaline buzzed in her bloodstream.

Her grin grew wide as Xenon hopped onto the back, encircling his arms around her waist, they're bodies pressed against each other. "Ever heard of personal space?" Zahra asked with a humored snicker escaping her. "Nope, never heard of that sweetheart." He answered back with a goofy smile stretched onto his lips as they both chuckled at his stupid answer.

"Let's get out of here, shall we?" He whispered seductively into her curls as his hold tightened slightly, causing a peachy blush to creep onto her cheeks.

"With pleasure." She answered back as she reversed the bike back out of the garage, Xenon closed it as she managed to turn it forwards, the open road staring back at her with a promise of escape.

"Ready?" He asked quietly as she glanced to the side to see if he was still there, watching her.

She locked gazes with his grey forestry green eyes which pleaded for her not to leave, but she was done holding herself back from the happiness she deserved.

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