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•||•It was her chaos that made her beautiful.•||•



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Sorry for any typos, errors--grammatical ones at that. PLEASE TAP THE STAR AND VOTE FOR SUPPORT:)) Don't forget to leave a comment of your thoughts, I love hearing what you guys have to say. :))) Love you all and enjoy!

T R A C K : N O N E

Third Person's POV


SPECIAL SHOUTOUT TO @heartsails for the amazing cover she made for me!! Thank you so much.

"It's quiet out here. Almost too quiet." He chuckled slightly as she playfully punched the side of his chest whilst she threw a amused glare at him.

She laid her head on his chest, placing her hand on the left hand side of his chest where she felt the soft thudding of his heartbeat. His laughter resonating through the thick silence as it fused with the low howling of the owls, the annoying singing of the crickets and the distant sound of car engines roaring to life.

"Stop trying to scare me, because you know it won't work." She replied her tone steady and firm as she looked up at him to already find him staring at her.

Adornment prominent in his intense gaze.

"Really?" He challenged with amusement lingering in his tone as an infamous smirk itched up the corners of his lips. She squinted her eyes at him, staring at him with cautious eyes. "Yes." She answered slowly as if questioning her own reply. He snickered at this before shrugging.

"Alright then, if you say so." He answered back casually as his fingers twirled themselves around her vibrant curls, the cool evening breeze calming their frantic emotions.

She smiled at this.

"So are you going to go to the annual Winter Ball this year? With her?" She questioned, trying to appear unaffected at the continuous stabbing of her heart. He raised a confused brow as he stared out into the glistening glass like Oakland lake. He took a deep breath before shrugging then saying, "I don't know. I might go, and yes I also might most probably go with her. Why?"

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