Chapter Thirty Four

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Kylie's POV

My stomach gave this stupid feeling as Harry linked his hands to mine. We came across to a large, center fountain and sat under the shades of the tree. Silence loomed over us. I can hear the chirping of the birds and laughter of those little kids who are enjoying their afternoon walk. Harry set the picnic basket and laid out the red and white checkered blanket as I sat down and leaned back on the huge trunk of the tree. Two boxes of pizza, chocolate-dipped strawberries, buffalo chicken wings and coke cans are placed in front of me and I laughed, commenting on how he's such a pig. Otherwise, I pulled out a slice of pizza from the box and took a huge bite.

"So," I started. "How's life?"

He rolled his eyes. "Such a cliché question."

I pushed him gently by his shoulders. "Shut up, I'm just trying to make a conversation here."

"You suck at it."

"You're face sucks," I shot back. He laughed and leaned closer to me. "Ew, go away."

He grabbed both sides of my face. "Do this face looks ugly to you, huh?" I nodded tightly, keeping the laughter inside. "Oh really?" He dropped his hands and pulled me into a headlock.

"You stupid flucktart!" I yelped. He gripped his hands on my waist and started tickling me. I squealed in surprised and tried to elbow him somewhere but he blocked it successfully on my every attempt. "S-stop!"

His laughter and my childish wail earned second looks from by-passers but we didn't care. We have our own bubble that separates us from the real world and it seems that no one can pop it. Me and Harry's friendship improved the last few weeks and also mine and Dhenyze's. I daresay that everything's going back to the tracks. I don't know how long it will take time but slowly, our lives seemed to be molding little by little into tolerable state. One Direction's career is also doing absolutely great, well, aside from some troubles with their fans but I'm pretty sure it's normal. At least that's what Dhenyze told me.

Harry kept his promise that he'll prove himself to me-to everyone at least. During the past months, I can barely keep up with his antics for me to say yes about him being my boyfriend. There was one time that my whole length of my locker was filled with sticky notes-each of them containing some cheesy pick-up line or some lame ass joke. I mostly forgot what's written on it but I spent the whole hour removing it from my locker and a night reading whatever he wrote. I jokingly texted him that I'll never answer him since he humiliate me in front of the students passing in the locker room that time but little he know that I truly appreciate his efforts in making me smile everyday.

But I still don't know whether to answer him or not.

Sure I do love him, every single thing about him screams so but I can't help but worry about the future. What if he'll meet someone better than me while he's doing their tour this summer? And they're gonna leave this April, he won't even wait for the end of this semester. He's gonna take special exams before they leave and then what? I'm left alone. I don't even know how long-distance relationship works. I don't even know if I can survive that.

He finally released me and let me sit properly. I'm still struggling to catch up my breath and I loudly smacked him in his arm, muttering curses. He just pinched my cheeks and pulled me closer to him.

I finished the pizza I'm eating and grabbed the fork from the basket. Harry kept on his grin and I glared at him. "I have a fork, Styles."

"And so?"

"Don't make me kill you,"


I took some buffalo wings with my fork and Harry did the same. "Hey," he said.

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