Chapter Twenty-Five

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Harry's POV

I stood on the edge of the curb waiting for Kylie to drive out of the school's parking lot. It's already 5:00 and her silver Porsche is nowhere to be seen. Her scowl constantly reminds me that Dhenyze's plan is just a waste of time. I still don't get her why she needs to do this. Her whole I-Need-To-Give-Her-A-Good-Lovelife shit isn't buying me. What if it's just another scheme and I was the one who's been played along? What if Kylie really doesn't like me and I'm just imagining some worthless things? What if they're doing this because I'm a worthless jerk who needs to be punished? What if-

A loud beep of a car woke me up from reality. I looked behind and I saw Kylie's car a foot away from killing me. Her presence knocked sense out of me. I'm just worsening my situation. I'm just overthinking and doing that won't put any of this to an end.

"Are you really a fucking idiot?" She rolled her windows and spat at me. Her eyes are somewhat swollen and her hair looks like a place where birds usually lay their eggs. But nevertheless, she's still perfect. She's always perfect.

"I-I" I stammered. I want to mentally smack myself hard. What happened to my speech?

"Are you gonna just stand there or what?" She spat. I found her annoyance amusing but bringing that out will be another cause of shit. I'm already struggling to keep myself up and I don't need further problem.

"We need to talk." I gathered up courage as much as I can, which is not enough. Her eyebrows raised and her mouth turned upside down, frowning deeply.

"We don't need to talk." She simply stated and I could hear her breathe becoming slow and steady as if she's trying to calm herself. "I need to go." She started her engine and before my mind can react, I went straight in front of her car trying to block her from getting away.

At first, I thought this is already my end. I felt the impact of the hood in my stomach causing me to back up a bit but not that painful. I saw her slammed the steering wheel before storming out of her car.

"Are you insane?" This time, I can see on her eyes that she's really mad. Her ears turned red, a bad sign that automatically flashes a Keep The Fuck Out sign.

"I told you we need to talk." I repeated. "Just give me a minute." She didn't say anything, instead she crossed her arm and impatiently tapped her foot on the floor. I shifted my feet and stood there awkwardly. Mentally debating whether to start or not.

"Fifty seconds."

"I'm sorry." is all I managed to say. I honestly don't know where to start. I feel like if I said something wrong, she's gonna shut herself away from me and pretend that she didn't meet me or something.

"About?" She asked. "Forty seconds."

"You're literally counting for time huh?" I smiled trying to break the tension. But of course, I'm Harry Styles. The worst joker of all.

"You're wasting my afternoon." She turned her heels and opened the door of her car. Not too fast before I caught up to her and pushed the door closed. "What the fuck is your problem Styles?"

"Why did you become so rude lately?" This stupid question stumbled out of my mouth before I could stop it. If possible, her jaw would be dropped to the floor. She finally recovered and tried to knee me in the balls. I held her hands and flipped her over, her back leaning against the car and me practically hovering her.

"Get the fuck out Harry I swear." She threatened. "You don't want me to be pissed."

"I just want to talk without you having to hurt me." I replied. I am aware of our faces only inches always from each other so do her. I backed up a bit when I saw her eyes swell.

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