Chapter Fourteen

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Kylie's POV

We lined up outside carrying our instruments. Well, of course only the ones that can carry easily. We can't do that to a drum set.

"Class, form your lines. Chop chop!" Ms. Kris said.

"What are we, preschooler?" I heard Harry whispered to Max.

"Tss. She may be hit her head and forgot what school she is." Max stiffed a laugh. Harry clamped his hands to his mouth. Sheesh. They really like to be in detention.

"Would you like to share your little chit chats back there Mr. Romney, Mr. Styles?" Professor Kris raised her eyebrows.

"I'm sorry Prof we di-" Harry was supposed to apologize but Sandra cut him off.

"Hesaidyouaretreatinguslikepreschoolers." Sandra said while fake coughing.

"Hmmm..." She glared at the two.

Hah. Styles, Romney, you are so dead.

"Warning one Evans. Stop that smile of yours." She said.


"Objections?" She folded her arms.

"No miss." I groaned rolling my eyes as we walk towards the recording station. It is just a hallway across from our room.

"Probably it's her month." Anne said.

"Aren't she menopause?" Harry snooped in.

"Harry!" I whispered smacking his arm.

"Just suggesting!" He raised his hands.

"He has a point." Sandra said giggling.

"Tss.." that's all I could mutter.

"Anne and others who will play the instruments, take your places." The menopausal lad- I mean Ms. Kris ordered.

They quickly shuffled to their places while we just stood there. Spell awkward.


Alright mind, shut up. Just shut the fuck up.

"Kylie, Harry, Max, Nathan, and Carl, you will be on the next room. You will meet your vocal teacher there." She said and we went to the door leading to the another soundproof room that is part of the station.

"I miss this." I heard Harry muttered.

I was really worried sick about him. I don't know why. Maybe it's the free feeling I experience whenever he's around and he is really a good company. Yeah. Probably that one.

We greeted by a mid-thirties bloke who was smiling warmly.

"Good morning lad and lasses." He stood up.

"Ben?" Harry's eyes shot wide.

"Harry!" He exclaimed man-hugging him. "Long time no see eh?"

"Yeah. Everything seems complicated." He answered softly and 'Ben' just shuffled his hair.

"Anyways, I'm Benedict Santiago. Your voice coach for your upcoming album." He introduced. "I see this class has 2 professional singers eh?"

"Yeah. Surely this class is the best." Max agreed.

"Then I'll expect the best from this group. Especially Nathan Skyes of The Wanted and Harry Styles of-"

"The Bakery." I answered laughing.

"Yep. The Bakery." Harry grinned.

Mr. Ben just chuckled. Harry was not longer in One Direction and I'm glad he is. Not that I don't like that band but it is for the best.

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