Chapter Thirty Three

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Harry's POV

I took a one last look at the mirror before having Louis pushed me out of my flat's door. I heard a click, signaling it was locked so I have no chance of chickening out. Dressed in black skinny jeans, white shirt, a black coat and my brown boots, I pulled out my phone checking the time.

Only an hour left.

"You forgot your chocolates," Dhenyze called out and handed me the bouquet of flowers made out of different kinds of chocolates. I took her advice to give her something edible instead of some expensive bouquets of wilting stuffs. But Anne, my mum said that giving flowers will give me an edge. I don't know what to do so I just asked my sister to help me make chocolates and mold them out into petals, leaves and stems before having Dhenyze wrap it in a nice way.

I held the chocolates tightly as if my life depends on it. I muttered her thanks before warning her not to have sex in my newly upholstered couch. Since I somehow lost my key and the door of my flat can only be opened and locked inside, I called Louis and Dhenyze to stay there until I came home but right now, I'm kind of regretting it. I know I should've called Liam.

"She doesn't want to have her first date in a fancy restaurant," she piped in. "I hope you took a note on that."

"What?" I asked, surprised. Fuck, what am I supposed to do now? I thought it would be nice to have some dinner in one of those fancy restaurant.

"Whoops," she grinned. "I must've forgot to tell you."

"You little evil bitch," I huffed in annoyance although I don't mean any of those words. "I need help."

"Thought you won't asked," she grinned before letting me in to my apartment again.

After a couple of minutes, Dhenyze and Louis already did some arrangements and somehow managed to convince the local management of the park to close it for the night. I almost killed her with my looks since she already planned this ahead and didn't tell me. "It's fun to watch you worry about this day," she reasoned, as if it was reasonable.

I called the owner of the restaurant to cancel all of my plans. Like what I expected, they were quite pissed off since I rented their venue for a little privacy. Dhenyze also made sure that Kylie's wearing something that won't last the cool air so -according to her- I can offer my jacket and let myself freeze to death.

"Atta go, you loverboy," Dhenyze said before giving me a light tap on my cheek. "Don't screw this up or else I'll fry your balls off."

"Wow, I feel so threatened," I rolled my eyes. "Do I need to hire a troop of soldiers for that?"

"The world may never know," she just grinned before tugging the collar of my coat, straightening it. "I'm serious,"

"I know," I nodded, thankful of her presence. Even though she's one of the reasons why it's been a month and Kylie's still not saying yes to me, she's Dhenyze. You can't get rid of her easily. She's an evil grass that grows back again and again no matter how often you prune it.

I left immediately following Paul, our bodyguard. When I reached the lobby of the building I'm currently staying, I heard those continuous clicks of cameras and screams of the fans. Paul looked at me knowingly and I nodded, following him to the fire exit at the back of the the building.

So far, we launched out newest album named Four, since it's our fourth album. Quite creative right? And after that, we saw our band's name again in iTunes top charts in over 60 countries. Just like how it used to be. We're slowly recovering from our fall and thankfully, we already have a scheduled tour after I finished this year's college.

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