Chapter Twenty-Three

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Kylie's POV

"He's so fucking ignorant and I just-UGH!" I threw my pen at the mirror and glared at myself.

"You know, you're right. He's ignorant. That bitch." Dhenyze giggled but I shot her a shut-the-hell-up-don't-be-sarcastic-and-be-my-friend look and thank gods she stopped.

"Maybe I shouldn't tell him! If I didn't let my feelings win, probably-"

"NO!" She screamed. "I mean, if you didn't tell him, our plan-I mean Harry-"

"Wait." I interrupted. "What plan?"

"What do you mean plan?" She tilted her head. What? This girl is losing her marbles. She just said 'our plan'. What the heck does that mean?

"As I was saying." She cleared her throat. "Based on his reactions, who knows, maybe you stand a chance."

"Based on his reactions? I never got to see his reactions. You are not even there. How can you tell what his reaction was?" I asked. I don't know, but I can sense this girl has something up on her sleeves. Or maybe she has some problems with that contract shit of her. I knew it wasn't good.

"Ermm...insticts?" She seemed to convince herself. But not me. She may be a good liar but after so many years of me being her bestfriend. I can tell whether she's lying or not. "But gurl, that's not the problem. I mean, Kendall, yeah sure she's beautiful and all and you're...well."

"Oh gee thanks." I rolled my eyes.

"You're welcome. No, you're whale cum." She smirked at her own jokes. I don't know but she's a worse joker than Harry. "Again, Kendall might be-no. She is so beautiful and all but you're just plain and simple. Not modeling stuff or whatsoever but hey! You stand a chance."

"Based on your descriptions, I won't stand a chance you dimwit. You already told me, she's beautiful and I'm....I look like a garbage sitting beside her!" I ran my hands over my face and groaned.

What if I'll just get a new bestfriend? A useful one. Not like this bitch.

Just kidding. I love that bitch like I love my sister.

Although I don't have a sister.

Dhenyze is my imaginary bestfriend slash sister.

"You're really ignorant aren't you?" She said, opening the faucet and washed her hands.

"Wow, really." I rolled my eyes again.

"You know I suck at giving advises right?" She chuckled. "Besides, you can figured that on your own. That's your problem not mine."

What a supportive bestfriend isn't?

"Oh come on Dhenyze. Sharing is caring. If I share my problems with you it just means that I care for you. Besides, it's no fun if I'm the only one frustrated about my life." I reasoned and we both burst out laughing.

"Fine. I'm such a martyr that I will accept your 'love'. So, oh I will carry you over, fire and water for your love." She winked at me as we both sang and went out of the women's washroom.

"Darn it. Out of all subjects, why math?" She groaned whilst looking at her timetable.

"Well, math is way better than my subject with that curly mop." I said remembering that I have recording class again.

"Of course math is easy for you! I'm just a seaweed brain ya know. Floating in the sea~" She extended the last word and skipped through the corridors.

"Wait up!" I giggled and ran after her.

It's been two days since I told Harry about my feelings for him. Heck, I don't even know where that came from. It just shot out of my mouth you know? But of course, I know deep inside that I mean it. Fudge, forget pride but I do freaking like him. Or love? Ugh. I can seriously be rich from selling lemonades.

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