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Yibo ran to the house. He crashed anyone who in his way, was not bothering they greeted him or complained of being crashed over. He opened the big door, without knocking. The door made a loud bang when it hit the wall,startled the middle age man in the room. He looked at Yibo. Froze.

"Old man!" Yibo shouted.

"What happened, Yibo? Why do you look like a shit?" Wang Lei asked his son, as he assumed he is, who wearing only sport attire with blotched face, messy hair, and sweaty body.

"Why did you make me of the devil???'" Yibo didn't give the answer to what Wang Lei has asked him. He shouted a question instead ,which made Wang Lei furrowed his eyebrows.

"What Devil? What are you talking about??" Wang Lei was really confused.

Yibo made a way to get closer to Wang Lei, then grabbed him by the collar of his white shirt.

"Don't pretend you know nothing! I presume you know with the things going on now!' Yibo growled at Wang Lei's face.

Wang Lei pulled Yibo's hands off of his shirt and slammed them down.

"What the things going on now? What I know is you never see me as your own father. You treat me as your enemy, instead! No matter I have tried to be a good father to you, it always ended as if I'm a bad father to you! What do you want? Do you hate me that much that I don't deserve to be called father??" Wang Lei snapped .

"You treat Mom as if she is crazy!!" Yibo shot back.

"She is! She's more than crazy! She's dangerous!!" Wang Lei shouted.

Yibo grabbed back Wang Lei's shirt. Harder and rougher.

"You are fucking mad, Old Man! She's the best mother! She's full of love! She the most gentle and caring mother that every kid wants! There is no way she:s crazy or dangerous! She:s so fragile! You're just get fucking tired of her! You wanna replace her! That's it! You're fucking ungrateful man!" Yibo shot into Wang Lei's face.

"You are too blind to see her true color, Yibo! I love your mother until now! If I don't, I have taken another woman into this hoise while she locked up in the cottage! She:s the one who asked to be locked there because she was affraid someone haunting her! Now is the time I have to tell you! She's the occult member, the daughter of the occult programmer! Your grandfather who dragged her into the darkness and sinful practice! They're worshipping the Demons! The Devil!"

After hearing Wang Lei's testify, Yibo loosened his grip on Wang Lei's shirt. His hand slid down weakly. His eyes still wide open as if gonna popped out of its socket. But now not because of his rage, but a great shock! He staggered backward a few steps. Lips quivered.

"No... No, no, no...! She couldn't be..." Yibo wanted to deny the reality.

"I love your mother dearly, Yibo... In fact she wasn't as good as you think, I still accept her and hopping that someday she will realize her wrongdoing taking a wrong path your grandfather has chosen. But she never changed until she's gone mad because someone in the past kept haunting her, she said...!" Wang Lei's voice sounded softened.

"But... But they said I made of the compact between you and mom with the Devil... Did you worshipped the Devil, too?"

"Who said that?? I never have anything to do with the occult activities...!"

"Then who I am?? Old man! Whose son I belong to??'

"Of course you are my son!'

"No! They said my mother and father had a compact with the devil because they wanted a child that they couldn't have! If the father that they mean wasn't you, then who is he???"

💞💞Love In Despair ( YiZhan.) 💞💞 (Completed)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu