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__Xiao Zhan__

"I don't need friend," he said. Then he  walked away without looking back.

I stomped my feet grumpily.

"What a snob! Pathetic snob! So full of himself!" I whined.

A Qing, my friend who study Art and Design, helped me to soothe  my grumpiness away.

"Aish! No need to get mad. We're all know how he is already, Zhan Zhan...!" A Qing consoled me.

"But I knew him since first year!"

" We did, too!"

"We're classmates since last year!'

" So Ji Li and your other classmates!'

I huffed. A Qing pulled my hand and brought me to walk again.

"Come on! Nobody has ever talked to him since he entered the uni. He only talked with the president, dean and the subject professors." A Qing ranting about.

" He talked to Yu Nan!"

"Because he is a council vice president. Come on! Don't be like a little kid just because your daily have to deal with kids!"

I cringed, rubbed my nape and talked,"Speaking about the devils...I got detention again today. Hmph! I can't meet and.play with them again, since I'll  come back late and they must be go to bed already..!"

"What is it again? Did you talk back to the professor again??" A Qing scolded me.

"No. I slept!" i replied.

" Such a sleepy head!" A Qing hit the back of my head.

"Aiya!  Go back to your faculty now! Later you'll be late for your next class!" I pushed her back,shooed her away from bugging me around.

She pouted. But he gradually walked away.

Then I walked to go to my next class. When I passed the building where  student council room is,I paused. There, behind the building, under the big tree, I saw a glimpse that captured my mind for past few days.

It was Wang Yibo. I had no idea why this impassive cold figure made me curious and I could say, interested to get to know him closely. His introvertive and cold attitude, caught my attention after we got to the second year and still at the same class. Yet we never talk as one.

He was sitting on the bench under the tree. Head lowered and hand busy digging on something. I took a closer look at what he was doing there. And when I stood closer to him, I saw him was scooping his lunch for a lunch box. He ate quietly. He looked hungry, I guess.
I smiled to my own thought. He looks cute when he was eating.

I saw him dips his hand into his pants pocket. Oh! He took out his phone which was vibrating. He picked up a call.

"Hello, Aunty Lin?" I heard he spoke on the phone. "Yeah.... I'm having it now. Thank you. It's delicious." He said that. And I swore to God! I saw him smile! Very faintly smile, but he was smiling! The think I've never ever find on his face for more than a year I've been his classmate.

"How's Mother?" I heard he speaks again. "Hm... That's good. Has she taken her medications?"

His mother is sick? What sickness?

"Aunty Lin, I'm not coming back for dinner tonight. I'll be late.... Yeah...! That old man asks me to do him a favor."

I muffled my laughter. I guess the one he called old man was his father, the President Director of the University.

"Ok, Aunty. I'm going to the class now. Please, keep an eye on Mother... Hm! Thank you, Aunty!" He ended his call. He put his phone back into his pocket.

He finished his lunch. He closed his lunchbox then wrapped it with a cloth neatly. He put it inside his bag, then he stood up. I quickly stick my body into the wall, affraid if he could see my presence there. He walked away.

I watched him leave. A tender smile formed on my face.

"Being a cold arrogant prince, you have a soft heart inside you. Finally, I revealed another side of you, Wang Yibo... You are not as bad as people think if I take a look closer into your heart..." I mumbled to myself.

Then, I also left the place, going to the next class which is Sociology subject.

I saw Wang Yibo has sat on his seat in the back corner. He was scribbling something on his notebook. I smiled, and walk confidently to his seat, when in the midway, Ji Li stopped me.

"Xiao Zhan! Where have you been? I left you to the washroom and I couldn't find you in the cafeteria already!" Ji Li made a complain.

"Oh! A Qing came over to ask me to give her little present to my nephew!" I answered.

"Owh?" Ji Li nodded.

When he didn't utter a word anymore, I continue walked to the back of the classroom.

"Hey!" I heard Ji Li yelled. But he didn't continue saying a word. I guess he understood what I was going to do next.

I sat on the desk in front of Wang Yibo and turned back to face him.

"Yibo!" I said his name.

He didn't response. I pouted irritatedly. I squirmed on my seat. I put my hand on the paper he was writing on, so he couldn't write through on it. He stopped. Then he.lifted his head and sent me a death glare.

"Move!" He said, coldly with his low voice tone.

"Huh?" I've been being idiot, dumfounded.

"Your hand. Move!" He repeated his word.

I looked at my hand on his notebook, then I grinned. I saw his eyebrows were furrowed, wether he was think of something or want to say something.

"Don't always keep that kind of look on your face. People will be scared to approach you..!" I said, removing my hand from the book.

He glared at me again. Then he continued scribbling on his book.

"You look better and more handsome when you are smiling," I told him, then turned around welcoming the professor who just entered the classroom.

I saw Ji Li was checking of me from the middle row of the seats. Maybe he worried if I mess around again. I smiled at him. He returned my smile and nodded.

💞💞Love In Despair ( YiZhan.) 💞💞 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now