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After a few days didn't show up at the uni, Xiao Zhan came back to tje campus. A Qing sent him to his campus, and Ji Li welcomed him joyfully.

"Hey, Xiao Zhan! Finally you came back! We were visiting you in your house, but your step mother didn't allow us to see you..!" Ji Li pouted while clung his hand on Xiao Zhan's shoulder.

Xiao Zhan chuckled.

"My mother did some spiritual treatment on me. So I can't be disturbed!" Said Xiao Zhan.

"But I saw your house now kinda spooky, Xiao Zhan..!" Ji Li .

"Hahaha.... It's the same! What spooky do you mean?" Xiao Zhan laughed.

"Yeah... I feel that too..!" A Qing voiced out .

Xiao Zhan looked at his friends in turn. Then he cringed.

" You both are crazy! There is nothing in my house..!" Xiao Zhan declined.

"If you say so... But I don't think I want to visit you at your home already. It gets me goosebumps all over my body..!' A Qing thrilled.

"I don't think my mother also wants you to come around, anyway..!" Xiao Zhan cringed.

A Qing hit Xiao Zhan's arm. Xiao Zhan laughed.

At the same time, Yibo was going to go to the class when he saw Xiao Zhan was chit-chatting with his two friends. An almost invisible smile formed on his lips. He was glad to see Xiao Zhan again after a few days he has to endure the missing feeling toward the male. He stood there for a while, until A Qing saw him and nudged Xiao Zhan to tell him that Yibo was there.

But Yibo quickly looked away and walked into the class. Xiao Zhan who was about to call him, closed his mouth again and put his hand down, then pouted.

"Eh! Did he show up at your house on the first day you were sick?" Ji Li asked.

"No. He didn't. Why?'" Xiao Zhan furrowed his brows.

"That day, he suddenly ran off when the class was about to begin. He almost  crashed Professor David, but he just kept going running."

"Why? What happened. What did he ran off from?" A Qing meddling.

"I think he was ran off for something not from something. And I thought he was tan to see you, Xiao Zhan! Because he ran off after I told  Rambo about what happened to you!"

"No... He didn't. I didn't see him at my house, too." Xiao Zhan mumbled, but mind was travelling somewhere else. Maybe someone. Yibo.

During the class Xiao Zhan kept doing things to attract Yibo's attention w mlho sat in front of him. But Yibo didn't budge it. Xiao Zhan pouted. That time Yibo turned to glare at Xiao Zhan, but found a cute pouting Xiao Zhan instead. Yibo flustered. He looked back to the front when Xiao Zhan smiled happily at him.

"Hey, Heart! Stop thumping rapidly! It's hurt!" Yibo curses his own heart which kept skipping the beat. He bit the poor pen he was holding.

"Psstt... Yibo! Wang Yibo...!" Xiao Zhan whispered the shout at Yibo.

Yibo ignored him. Xiao Zhan drew something on Yibo's back. Ji Li who saw it suppressing his giggle.

"What is that?" Ji Li whispered, nudged Xiao Zhan elbow.

"Heart..." Xiao Zhan whispered too.

"I know. But why did you draw that on his shirt?" Ji Li asked, felt weird.

Xiao Zhan stared at Yibo's back, then frowned.

"I don't know. I just have no idea what to draw.."

Ji Li gushed and sighed.

"Mr. Xiao Zhan! Clean the laboratory in the end of the day!" The professor said.

Xiao Zhan gasped. The class turned to look at him.

"What the hell, Zhan...?" Ji Li whispered.

"I also don't know..." Xiao Zhan whispered back.

"He just recovered from his illness. Can you skip the punishment for today?" Yibo voiced out.

"Wang Yibo! You will accompany him!" The professor glared  at him.

This time the class gasped. Yibo was the best student in the campus, he was the role model for other students. And now he got a punishment for covering Xiao Zhan and placed him in a detention room.

Yibo didn't say anything. He just leaned his back on the backrest.

"Yibo,you shouldn't do that for me.." said Xiao Zhan.

"I did that because I'm a student council  who aware of the students' well being here. And you just recovered.  Nothing else!" Yibo said under his breath, without turning to see Xiao Zhan.

"Ok, ok...! Don't need to say the last part. That's hurt, you know?" Xiao Zhan pouted.

Xiao Zhan arrived at the laboratory. He still pouted, because he couldn't find Yibo to go together to the laboratory. But his pout was gone when he saw the male was sitting on one of the tables inside the laboratory, head on the desk.

Xiao Zhan smiled. He walked in,approaching Yibo. He was about to talk when he saw Yibo was sleeping. Xiao Zhan smiled again. He took a look at the male's face closer,and admiring it.

Yibo has a smooth and fair skin. His shut eyes showing the long and thick eyebrows, the high nose bridge, pink plump lips, pointed chin. He looks so beautiful.

"How come a boy made so beautiful like him? His mother must be a very beautiful woman..,  But I heard she's in medication right?" Xiao Zhan frowned to his last thought.

Unknowingly, his face kept coming closer to Yibo's. He was about to kiss Yibo's lips when a gush of a strong wind hit him and make him fell, created a noise, woke Yibo up.

While before Xiao Zhan came, Yibo has reached the laboratory first. But he felt his eyes were so heavy. So while he:s waiting for Xiao Zhan, he decided to close his eyes for a few minutes,but he fell asleep, instead. And he got a dream in a short while.

In his dream, he saw a beautiful woman. With wings. The woman who kept haunting his dreams for years. But she was in clearer look now,and clean. Her wings were covering someone beneath them. Yibo couldn't see who it was. The woman looked at him.

"Save him.... He is dying.... Please, save him..! Don't let him die. Find the cure. They are going to rip him away if you can't find the cure soon...!" The woman spoke, pleadingly.

"But I don't know what it is...!" Yibo replied.

"The devil put a spell on you. You've been cursed. And it's affected him since you are his fate. Save him! Only you van save him!" The woman screamed.

Suddenly she flapped one of her wings out strongly. And he could see the the figure behind her wings. It was Xiao Zhan. His eyes was close and face show no emotion. He's sleeping. He came closer to the woman and Xiao Zhan when he heard a loud thud behind him,made him turned around.

Yibo woke up abruptly. His eyes were red. He was still collecting his sense back, when he heard somebody groans in pain. He turned his head to the voice.

"Xiao Zhan!" Yibo got up from his chair and approaching xiao Zhan.

"What happened?" He asked, helping Xiao Zhan to stand up.

"I fell down," Xiao Zhan answered.


"I think I tripped," Xiao Zhan grinned.

Yibo let Xiao Zhan go immediately. He averted his eyes elsewhere. And quickly walked away and grabbed two brooms which place inside a high cabinet.

"Let's start cleaning. So we van go home earlier..!" Yibo passed one broom to Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Zhan who was pouting turned smiled and took the broom. Yibo stared at him. Suddenly Xiao Zhan felt his face was hot. And he even started to blush furiously when he remember what he was going to do to the boy before. He quickly looked and walked away to another side of the room to start to sweep.

"Oh,my God.... I love him. Please help me to find the cure so I can save him..!" Yibo screamed internally.

💞💞Love In Despair ( YiZhan.) 💞💞 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now