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19 years ago...

The man bursted into a room, where a pregnant woman was sitting on the bed and caressing her big bump. She was surprised when he got someone barge into her room with bloodsoaked clothes .

"Father! What happened?" She asked in a shock.

"LiFen... LiFen...! Where is your husband?" The man asked her back.

"He has a bussiness trip. He'll be back in two days. What happened, Father? Why are you full of blood?"

" We have to do something, LiFen... Your child is not safe...! I couldn't get Dao Ruyi's baby. We have no time already to mend it all!"

The young woman called LiFen was shivered.

"W-what should I do, Father?"

"I have to make a compact with the demon myself..." The man hissed.

"No, Father!"

"We don't have any choices, LiFen! Otherwise you'll lose your child!"

"But... But..."

"No buts! The deadline is tomorrow. And I have no idea Dao Ruyi's baby whereabout..."

"How... How is Ruyi? Where is she?"

"She went to hell already!'

LiFen gasped.

"Fa-father.... What did you do to her??"

"I have no choice! She chanted a curse! "

"What curse.do you mean, Father?"

"Your child will be a savior to her child. I won't let that happened! If your child is her child's savior, that means they'll become a partner. And they will destroy our cult circle automatically without effort..."

LiFen lower her head, looked at her bump.

"Why is it become like this..? Ruyi... Ruyi is my bestfriend, Father... I shouldn't drag her into our cult practices on the first place..."

"No use to regret it now! I have to go before morning cone!"


"I'm doing it for you, LiFen. You want the child badly when you can't have one. Now your wish has been fulfilled. Let me sacrifice myself. For your unborn child..." The man caressed LiFen's cheek.

LiFen cried sadly.

"You're all I have in the world, Father..."

"Now you have your child... Don't bother about me. I gotta go! Goodbye,my child! I'll repay all my sins I've done!"

LiFen couldn't hold back her father. She was in the place where she has no choice at all.


LiFen stood in the dark alley. No one to be around. The stormy wind blew her face and hair.

"LiFen, my child....!" Suddenly she heard her father's voice.

'Father!" She called her father. She looked around. But there was no one.

"Your child is safe. You can have it. One thing... Don't let your child meet his fate. Dao Ruyi's son. If they are together and fall in love with eachother, they'll wreck us!"

"Father! Where are you??"

"But Dao Ruyi's son is not secure, anyway. IF they are fall in love, your child won't be able to let Dao Ruyi's son know your child:s feeling to him. Otherwise, Dao Ruyi's son will die! That's my compact with the demon. But there is one cure to release them from the curse..."

" What is it?"

" I have to go, LiFen! Take care of yourself and your child. I can't watch over you. I'm sorry... I have to go. Good bye,my child...!"

"Father! Father!"

LiFen got up abruptly from her sleep. Beads of sweat formed on her face.

"Are you okay?" Her husband who was sleeping beside her awakened by the abruptly movement from his wife.

LiFen looked at her husband and nodded.

"Yeah! Yeah! I'm fine. Only another nightmare.." she answered.

"You got nightmares lately. What happened? Is it because your father's disappearance?"her husband asked.

"I'm okay... I'm okay..." LiFen chanted the words.

"Let's get back to sleep. Don't stress yourself. Remember! Our baby is coming soon..!" Her husband said.

LiFen lowered her head. She gazed at her bump and carresed it.

"My baby...." She whispered.

"Yeah.... Our baby..." Her husband put his hand on hers. " Next week, our baby will be born already..!"

"He' s coming soon.... Oh! I need to make talisman, Lei! I have to make an amulet to protect him! I'm affraid the demon will snatch him!"LiFen started panicking.

"LiFen! Forget it! Forget about talisman and amulet! I told you! Leave the cult circle your father has created! It's evil, ok?? It's nothing good in it! It only grows hatred and bloodlust! Stop it!" Her husband shouted.

"But... But Father...."

"He's gone! The demon has taken him for what he deserve!"

"No!! No! Father isn't die! Father is sacrificing himself!"

"LiFen! You have to focus on our baby, ok?? Forget about your cult practices! You have nothing to do with it already. Our child deserves a better life! A normal life! I won't allow you to touch such things anymore! LiFen! For our child sake! God, please!"

LiFen looked at her husband. Then she touched his face.

"For our child?" She said.

"Yes... For our child..." Her husband nodded. "I love you, LiFen.... Please, comeback.... Come back as Li Fen I used to know in the high school..." Her husband started to sob.

"Lei? I love you, too... You are my husband... You are my first love.... And will be the last..." LiFen caressed his face.

"You will be the last to me, too..."

Then he engulped his wife into his warm embrace.

"Our baby is a boy.... The doctor said... He won't fall in love with the other boy, right?" LiFen mumbled.

"Of course, he won't! What are you talking about? He will fall in love with a beautiful girl,marry her and have children of their own...." Her husband chuckled dryly.

"If he met him and falls in love with him..... He can't confess. Or he'll die..."

"LiFen... What are you talking about?" Wang Lei gelt strange with is wife blabbering about.

"He can die, Lei..."


"The boy."

"Boy? Whose boy? Ours?"

"Ruyi's son..."

"Ruyi? She's died, right? And her baby has missing?"

"But he is alive..."

Lei furrowed his brows. He didn't quite understand with what his wife ranted about. He never approved her to join her father cultivation circle which was demonic, on the first place. But her father has dragged her too deep in it by the time.

💞💞Love In Despair ( YiZhan.) 💞💞 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now