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Chang BaoZai was busy called out the maids.

"Bring me the ice water! Xiu Qin! Get more blanket!"

The maids were busy too to get whatever the Madam has been asked.

"How come suddenly he gets the high fever?" Xiao Feng Jie asked.

Chang BaoZai shook her head.

"It's related to his mother's past...."  Chang BaoZai whispered.

"Oh! God! Please, save him...!" Xiao feng Jie ruffled his hair.

"Rest assured... I'll do whatever I can..." Chang BaoZai comfort him. She stroked his back up and down.

"I trust him to you... Please, save him..." Xiao Feng Jie begged her.

"I'll try.... His fate has come closer...  And his mother came frequently now..."

A maid came with two quilt covers.

"Tài Tài?" She asked Chang BaoZai.

Chang BaoZai took the blanket and went into the room. She spread  the both qiilts on Xiao Zhan's body. Another maid came with a basin of ice water and a small towel. Chang BaoZai collected it and started to wipe Xiao Zhan's face with the wetted cold towel.

"The person can't show him their love..." Chang BaoZai whispered to herself.

Xiao Feng Jie came approaching her.

"You can go to work. About Zhan, rest assured that I'll take care of him..!" Chang BaoZai told him.

Even he didn't want to leave, but Xiao Feng Jie just nodded, since he knew there is nothing he can do related to the cult activity. Different with Chang BaoZai who had a basic cult in her family even she never been involved in any cult programs. But the cult blood has run in her. That's why she could have an interactive session with Dao Ruyi, Xiao Zhan's mother.

"Yibo...." Xiao Zhan whispered a name.

Chang BaoZai stuned. She looked at Xiao Zhan.

"Yibo.... So his fate is a he..." She thought.

"Yibo..." Xiao Zhan called the name again.

Chang BaoZai tapped Xiao Zhan's head with her two fingers. She closed her eyes and chanted some words that no one can understand. An electric-like ray vame out from her two fingers and shoot into Xiao Zhan's head.

Xiao Zhan rolled his head to the right and to the left and groaned.

"No..! No..! Don't go!" Xiao Zhan ranted in his sleep. Sweat came out of his every pore.

"No! Don't hurt him!" Xiao Zhan screamed. He rolled his head abruptly.

Chang BaoZai opened her eyes after she felt as if something has thrown her away from a cliff. The stool he was sitting on moved backward abruptly when she staggered from her focusing.

"The cultist is too strong.." she whispered.

After s while, Xiao Zhan fell asleep. Chang BaoZai removed the 3 quilts that covered Xiao Zhan's body, and replaced them with a thin blanket.

"The house already surrounded by the cultist..." Chang BaoZai thought. Then she took out her cellphone and dialed some numbers.

" Don't come here. Here is not save. The cultists are everywhere. Tell your other sisters...!" BaoZai talked on the phone.Then, without waiting for the response she cut the line off.

She looked at Xiao Zhan and stoked his wet hair because of the sweat.

"I also can't separate them both, since this Yibo is the one who can save him. But what is the cure to get rid of the curse?" BaoZai thought hard about it.


Yibo couldn't concentrated to whatever he was doing. He didn't see Xiao Zhan. He wanted to call him, but he didn't have his number. He wanted to ask Ji Li, but he had no courage to talk to him.

"Hey, Li! Why does Xiao Zhan didn't come to the campus?" Suddenly he heard someone talked about Xiao Zhan.

Yibo's ears perked up. He listening to their conversation.

"Huh? I don't know.." Li answered made Yibo's heart went weak. But he heard Ji Li talked again," I'm not sure. But A Qing said, the house looked was busy. She saw the maids were running around. When she asked the maid about what's happening the maid says that Xiao Zhan is sick. He suddenly get the high fever when he was going to go to the campus."

Yibo curled his fingers into a tight fist. His lips were quivering.

"Aigo...! What a long answer. Why didn't you say that Xiao Zhan is sick! Why did you need to ranting about from A to Z?"the friend made a complain.

"Eh! My information is accurate! That's why I need to say it all from the top to the bottom. So you don't need to keep asking continuesly. That's called EXPLAINATION! " Ji Li emphasized the word.

"Ha...iya!" The friend waved his hand.

Yibo Suddenly raised up. And he stormed out of the class. He almost bumped into the professor who was about to enter the class.

"Wang Yibo!!!" The professor shouted. But Yibo ignored him.

"Hey? What happened with him? He gets out when professor is coming already...? " Ji Li said. But found no response.

Yibo went into the council room. He rummaged into the file's drawer where the council members kept the student information.

"Xiao Zhan, Xiao Zhan, Xiao Zhan," he kept chanting. "Here it is!" He pulls one file and opened it rushly.  He examine the information, and looked awe.

"He just moved to Beijing 4 years ago? I thought he's a local. So he came from the South? Like Grandpa?" He muttered. " He came from Guangdong... The same city as Mom been raised up until she had me..."

Yibo's family left Guangdong after LiFen'd father's disappearance, and she gave birth to YIBO in Beijing 2 months later.

After he got what he searched for, Yibo left the council room, straight away to the parking lots to get his motorbike. Then he sped up to a certain place with heart kept thumping loudly.

💞💞Love In Despair ( YiZhan.) 💞💞 (Completed)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat