"I don't need a babysitter!"

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The avengers stood outside of the infirmary, all except Bruce, who was taking care of Loki. Thor was pacing nervously around the waiting room. "It'll be okay. He'll be okay." Tony comforted, though he wasn't so sure himself.

Thor turned angrily on him. "My brother is dying as we speak! And you say 'It's okay'!?" Thor shouted at him.

"Tony's just trying to comfort you, Thor. It's not his fault," Nat tried to calm him. Thor sighed and sat down in one of the chairs.

"I'm terribly sorry Anthony. I'm just worried about him." Tony was going to tell him not to use the name,'Anthony', but decided right now wasn't a good time to do so.

"We all are," Clint said.

There were a few minutes of silence. Then the infirmary door opened. They all looked up at Bruce.

"He's awake."


Loki woke up with a huge headache. The lights in the room were dim, so he wasn't overwhelmed by light. His vision was blurry and he felt like he got stepped on by a bilgesnipe.

"Hey, buddy. How are you feeling?"

Loki turned his head to look at the blurry form of Bruce. "Awful," he croaked.

"Understandable. Can the others come in? They've been waiting for you to wake up." Loki softly nodded, as not to aggravate his headache. Bruce went over to the door and said something he couldn't hear. Then, all of the avengers pushed past Bruce as they rushed into the room. Thor went in and gave his brother a strong hug.

"OW! OW! Thor, I'm still hurting from the magic being ripped from my body." Loki said hoarsely.

"Sorry, brother," Thor said as he let go. "What happened?"

Loki froze as he remembered Thanos coming, his request, and his threat. He started breathing heavily. "Where is my scepter?" he asked urgently.

"Classified." Fury said, suspicious of the question asked. "Why would you want to know?"

"Thanos...he found me... he told me that if I didn't give him the stone in a week's time, he would kill all of you."

"Stone? What stone?" Steve asked, confused.

"The Mind Stone. One of the six infinity stones. It's in the scepter." Coulson answered.

Everyone turned to look at him. Loki sat there, mouth open, surprised. "H-how did you--"

"I saw everything that happened in the Sanctuary, remember?"

"Oh, right... but how--"

"That's not what's important right now. What is, is the fact that he will return and kill us if we don't give him the stone." Tony interrupted.

"In that case, it's in a hydra facility in Budapest," Nat said.

"Agent Romanov! That is classified information!" Fury shouted angrily at her. She just shrugged. Loki could have sworn he'd heard Fury mutter, "Damned super spies and them telling everyone classified information..."

"Right then... well, we should get started! Loki said as he started to stand up. Bruce softly put his hands on Loki's shoulders and pushed him back down to sit on the bed.

"Woah there pal, you just got your magic ripped out of you. Plus you have a concussion. You should take it easy and rest for now. Let us get the scepter. " Bruce said calmly.

"I have rested long enough!" Loki said. Bruce gave him a warning look.

"Don't make me get the other guy." Loki narrowed his eyes. After seeing the looks of agreement on their faces, he sighed and lied back down on the bed.

"Alright down to business now," Clint started. "Someone has to stay here with Loki while we get the scepter--"

"I don't need to be babysat," Loki said, his eyes still narrowed.

"You are right. But at the same time, you definitely aren't in the best condition right now to defend yourself." Clint retorted. Loki huffed and turned on his side so his back was now facing them.

"I'll stay with him "Coulson whispered to the group. They nodded at him and left the room to go discuss plans for getting the scepter, leaving Loki and Coulson alone in the infirmary together. After about a minute of silence, another wave of pain came to the god's head. He winced and groaned a bit as he held his head in his hands. Loki tried taking deep breaths to get rid of it. 'Think Loki, how did you usually get rid of headaches back on Asgard. I did it myself with my magic usually but when I didn't mother would come and--' his thought broke off there. It had only been about 1 1/2 months since her death. He could feel her there, watching over him from Valhalla. Coulson walked over to him and sat beside him on the small bed. He felt a hand rubbing soothing circles on his back like his mother used to do when he was distressed. He looked back at Coulson, who was giving him a small smile. "Your mother?" Coulson said. He had been filled in by Thor with what happened while the two were in Asgard. Loki nodded slightly. "You know that she'll always be there for you right? It'll be okay. They'll get the stone and then you won't ever have to think about him again. Alright?" Coulson said reassuringly. Loki nodded again as he succumbed to the sleep he so desperately needed.

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