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The whole group, save Thor and Loki, stared at Odin, shocked. "That's Odin?!" Tony whisper-yelled to Thor.

"Indeed," Odin answered.

Clint glared at him." He wasn't asking you."

Odin glared back."Thor, my son, tell your friends and Loki to show some respect!"

"No" Thor answered angrily

Now Odin was the one with the shocked expression."What do you mean, 'No'?"

"I meant 'No'!" Thor boomed. He walked over and stood next to Loki."YOU are going to apologize to my friends for intruding uninvited in their home, and then you are going to apologize to my BROTHER!"

Odin scoffed," You have no right to make demands of your father, much less your king!"

If looks could kill, Odin would be dead 100 times over with the looks he was getting from the Avengers and Loki. Loki suddenly summoned a knife and made a move towards Odin. The guards stepped in front of Odin to block the incoming attack from Loki. Loki was going to battle the guards when he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Nat. She practically dragged him away from the guards and Odin before walking up to the All-Father. The guards stepped aside.

"I'm sorry," Natasha said

Odin said," It is all right, I do not blame you for the actions of the traitor."

Bruce was seething," HE HAS A NAME YOU KNOW!" The vein in his forehead turned green.

Odin didn't even flinch.

Natasha sharply brought her knee up and hit Odin in the place it hurts. He fell onto the floor in pain. Nat went up to his body and said," I am sorry.... that I stopped Loki from doing this to you in the first place, but I don't want to see him get in trouble though." She turned around to face her friends and they all looked at her with shock and glee. Loki looked like he just won a million dollars with the smile he had on his face.

The guards went to help Odin up. As soon as he was standing Odin looked at Natasha and Loki with fury."Arrest the traitors!"

The guards grabbed Loki and Nat. Natasha tried to fight back, leaving one of the guards with a broken nose, but her escape attempt failed. They were brought to their knees. The friends tried to help but were shushed by Thor. They were about to be handcuffed when Thor shouted:" STOP!!"

Everyone in the room except for Thor froze.

"Father you cannot arrest them!"

"Why not!?"

Thor desperately tried to think of a reason. Then he got one. "You are the ruler of Asgard. Not Midgard. Their crimes were committed on Earth, where you are not the only jurisdiction, hence you cannot arrest them because of a thing the citizens of earth call 'Democracy'."

Odin looked at Thor, then to Loki and Nat, then back to Thor. He sighed. "Let them go."

The guards released their grip on Loki and Nat, and the two ran to their friends. Loki looked at the guards a little timidly, which Clint noticed. He went up to Loki and whispered, "Don't worry about it, we would never have allowed them to take you. Bruce over there nearly hulked out!" Loki smiled at Clint.

Tony came forward and asked Odin, "So what were you doing here in the first place?"

"Right...I am assuming you all know that Thor's mother and my wife, Frigga, died."

Steve scowled. "Loki's mom too, but yes we know."

Odin seemed to ignore the first part of the comment. "Well, two days ago her will was recovered and it seems that along with her family, she mentions Loki as well--"

"LOKI IS HER FAMILY!!" Steve shouted at Odin.

"In any case," Odin said as Steve was fighting the urge to strangle him, "The will has to be read with all parties mentioned in the will present at the place where most of the people in the will live. So we have to read it here since my son and Loki current--"

"THAT'S IT!!" Steve screams angrily as he tried to move towards Odin, but was held back by Tony and Bruce.

"Let me at him! He needs to stop degrading Loki right here and right now!"

After a minute or two they got Steve to calm down enough to be in the presence of Odin without maiming him.

Odin continues as if nothing had happened," They both currently reside here, hence the will has to be read here."

They all saw that there was no point in arguing. The less they argued, the earlier he would leave. They all sat on the couch except for Odin and his guards. "Fine, just get it over with quickly," Tony told him.

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