The First Song

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Loki left his cell for the first time in months and followed Tony down to what he assumed was a music room. He went in and stared at all of the instruments and posters in the large room.

Suddenly Loki felt firm hands on his shoulders as he was pushed into a wall staring face to face with an angry Clint. "What are you doing here!" Loki stood there, surprised and unable to move because of the pressure on his shoulders from Clint holding them.

"It's ok, we are allowing him to do this," Tony said.

Clint let go of Loki and walked away to finish setting up his drum kit. Loki brushed himself off before walking calmly to the microphone in the center of the room. As everyone was setting up their instruments, Loki started to sing to everyone's surprise.

We do what we have to
When we fall in love
We say what we need to get out
When it's not enough

Whether it's to yourself
Or lookin' at someone else

Everybody lies lies lies
It's the only truth sometimes
Doesn't matter if it's out there, somewhere
Waiting for the world to find
Or buried deep inside
Everybody lies

Everyone in the group had since stopped what they were doing to listen to the beautiful song. Loki had forgotten at this point that he was not alone and just sang his heart out.

Just being honest
We're playing for both sides
It's easy to deceive, but it's hard
When the trust that's broken is mine

For better or for worse
For the happy or for the hurt

Everybody lies lies lies
It's the only truth sometimes
Doesn't matter if it's out there, somewhere
Waiting for the world to find
Or buried deep inside
Everybody lies

Loki's voice drifted off and he suddenly realized where he was again. He turned around to see Nat and Clint embracing, Tony looking like he saw a ghost, and Thor staring sadly at his little brother. Almost every one of them was on the verge of tears, except for Steve who was already crying a little bit.

" What's the matter?" Loki asked, concerned for them. Thor only said," Brother..." before going up to try and hug him. Loki stared at them for a second before running out of the room and back to his cell out of embarrassment.

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