Vacation Part 1

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The day after Halloween, Thor had to go back to Asgard for a week to attend to his duties as a prince. They all bid him farewell as the Bifrost enveloped him. They all went back inside the tower and started to plan a trip with Loki during the week Thor was gone.

"How about going to Europe?"Steve asked.

"Nah, How 'bout Miami?" Stark interrupted.

"How about we ask Loki what HE wants to do. It is his vacation we are planning!" Nat reasoned.

Everyone turned to Loki with expectant looks on their faces. He pondered for a minute before saying, "How about Universal Studios? I heard they have a Harry Potter section and I would greatly enjoy seeing it!"

The whole group loved the idea and Tony made all the calls to get them into the park. The group, including Pepper who had taken a couple of vacation days to come on the trip, started packing their suitcases to leave tomorrow. The next day they all got on Tony's private plane and landed in Orlando. The got to the Hard Rock Hotel and signed in.

"Name please." Said the woman at the desk, not looking up from the computer.

"Tony Stark."

She immediately looked up and a shocked expression was on her face.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Stark, sir!" You have a 4-room Deluxe room package. Your rooms are on the eighth floor. Enjoy Your stay!" She handed him 7 room keys, one for each person.

They took the elevator up to the eighth floor and found their rooms. The pairing for the rooms was Nat and Pepper, Tony and Cap, Bruce got the single room, and Clint and Loki. They all headed to their rooms. Clint and Loki stepped into the room and it was so cool! They had a couch and a tv. There were two bedrooms, one with a queen bed and one with two twin beds. They had an awesome view of Orlando outside and a large bathroom. Clint took the queen and Loki took the two twin beds. They got settled in and went to bed early to get a good night's rest before the awesome day tomorrow.


They got up at about 7:00 so they could get to the parks by 8:00. They all had a quick breakfast before donning their house cloaks and heading to the entrance of the parks. They went on a water taxi to get to the park. On the water taxi, Tony stood next to Loki and said," I have a couple of surprises for you!"

Loki eyed him curiously as he pulled out a little box from Bruce's tote bag. He opened it and saw a brand new StarkPhone with green borders. He was shocked, to say the least. Tony said, "I felt bad for you only having an old iPhone of mine, so I made you a new one, and guess what... It has unlimited songs!" Loki stared at him for a minute before Tony continued." Don't forget, I said a COUPLE of surprises. Close your eyes and put your hands out. Loki did as he said and instead of Tony placing something in his hand, he opened his eyes to find the magic-blocking bracelets were unlocked and in Tony's hands.

"I thought if we were going to Harry Potter world, it might be fun for you to be able to use real magic there as well! I mean of course we might have to put them back on as soon as the trip ends depending upon how Fury feels, but I----" He was cut off when Loki leaped up to hug him.

"Thank you," Loki whispered.

The group got off the ferry and immediately went to Diagon Alley. They were surprised at how much it looked like the movie. They all got their wands at Ollivander's and looked around Diagon Alley. The group all went into the Joke shop and adopted pygmy puffs, and named them whatever their roommates' name for the trip was. They all went on the Gringotts ride which was so much fun and did many other activities there that day. For dinner, they went to platform 9 3/4 to get to Hogsmeade. Loki pulled a prank where he actually made the entrance turn to bricks and all of the other families there were able to walk through it, but when Tony tried he couldn't. They all laughed and called him "Muggle" before Loki diminished the spell. They went to see the fireworks show later that evening and stocked up on Honeydukes candy before heading to their rooms for the evening.


The next day they decided to take a break from Harry Potter and went to Jurassic Park and Seuss Landing for the first part of the day. After Lunch at Mythos Restaurant, The Avengers all whispered to one another. When they stopped, Loki was raising an eyebrow at them.

Clint laughed and said to him, "I think you'll get a kick out of where we are going next..."

To Be Continued......

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