The Discovery

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"What?!" Natasha whispered in disbelief.

Steve slowly opened the door to see if Loki was in there right now. "The coast is clear."

The Avengers made their way into the room quietly so Loki wouldn't be able to hear them. They could very clearly hear the song coming from the bathroom now. They all crowded around the bathroom door to hear.

Can I clear my conscience,
If I'm different from the rest,
Do I have to run and hide? (Oh oh oh oh)
I never said that I want this,
This burden came to me,
And it's made it's home inside (Oh oh oh oh)

If I told you what I was,
Would you turn your back on me?
And if I seem dangerous,
Would you be scared?
I get the feeling just because,
Everything I touch isn't dark enough
If this problem lies in me

Thor stared at the door sadly. 'Is this what he really feels like?' he thought. Bruce flinched. The rest of the group was listening with utter amazement at the angelic voice coming from the room next to them.

I'm only a man with a candle to guide me,
I'm taking a stand to escape what's inside me,
A monster, a monster
I've turned into a monster
A monster, a monster
And it keeps getting stronger.

Clint whispered, "Kind of fitting for the guy who tried to kill us all." Thor glared at him and Clint went back to listening at the door. Tony started humming the tune.

The singing stopped.

Suddenly the door burst open with a very angry Loki looking at the avengers, who had fallen backwards from Loki opening the door. He was only wearing a green towel around his waist and you could see the golden bracelets he was wearing on his wrists to prevent magic use. He yelled, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? DON'T YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT PRIVACY!?" With that, he slammed the door on them.

Tony, Thor, and Natasha decided to stay back in Loki's room while the rest of their friends went down to set up their instruments in the band room. They sat on his bed in silence for several minutes before Nat asked Thor," Did you know he could sing like that?"

"No. This is the first time I have ever heard my brother sing. I wonder why he kept it from me?" said thor, sounding a little hurt.

"I wonder if he would join the band..." Tony said, almost to himself. They didn't have too long to think about it because a minute later Loki came out of the bathroom. He was wearing some black sweatpants and a dark-green tee shirt. He looked at the people on his bed and sighed, "What do you want?"

They all looked at Tony waiting for an answer. Finally, he said, "I was wonder-WE were wondering if you wanted to join our band. We need a vocalist."

" And why in Hel's name would I do that?"

"We thought maybe it would be a nice idea for you to be able to let out your emotions in a good way, instead of destroying things," Tony said.

"Forget it." Loki sneered.

It was then Thor who said, "Brother, please do this. I believe it would greatly benefit you."

"First off, I am NOT your brother. Second off, what will you do for me if I do this for you?"

The group contemplated for a few minutes before Tony said," You will not be locked in here. I will give you free rein of the tower, and you may do whatever you like unless it will cause harm to us or anyone else."

"WHAT!?" Nat, Thor, and Loki exclaimed simultaneously. While Thor and Nat sat there shocked, Loki quickly said, "It's a deal...on one condition."


"I get to keep the old iPhone I stole from you."

"YOU'RE THE ONE WHO STOLE IT!?" Tony exclaimed.

"Yes, I did. Now, do we have a deal?" Loki asked calmly.

"Deal," Tony said reluctantly

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