The Funeral

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Loki and Thor landed in the newly-repaired observatory to be greeted with a small smile from Heimdall. "It's good to see you two again. I will not tell anyone Loki is in Asgard, but if he is figured out, I cannot help him."

"Thank you, my friend," Thor replied.

Loki put an illusion over his appearance so he looked like Tony. Thor laughed a little before asking him, "Why can't you just shapeshift? It would be a lot easier and there is less of a chance someone will figure you out by mistake."

Loki forgot his brother knew next to nothing about magic and so he told him, "Shapeshifting leaves a magical trace which is very easy to track by a magical being. Since Odin is one of those magical beings, it is easy for him to track shapeshifters and I would be found out in minutes."

Thor had many questions but decided this was not the time. The brothers made their way down the bridge to the place where she would be sent off. Odin was waiting for Thor there for when he returned from Midgard. "Hello, my son. Who is this?" He gestured to Loki, who was still disguised as Tony.

"This is my friend from earth, Tony Stark." He turned to Loki. "Tony, this is my father Odin."He turned back to his father. "He wished to accompany me for support during the funeral."

Odin paused for a second before saying. "Of course, any friend of yours is welcome here."

"Thank you, father."

Thor and Loki turned away and went into the crowd to find a place to stand. They were eventually able to find a spot that was next to the edge of the river.

Suddenly, someone bumped into Loki, surprising him and making part of his illusion falter for a fraction of a second.

The funeral started and it was very beautiful. There were many other boats as well as Frigga's, which Loki assumed that they were soldiers who died in the attack. The boats were set onto the sea of Asgard and were lit on fire by archers.

Unexpectedly, someone touched Loki on the shoulder. Loki turned around and saw a couple of Einherjar standing behind him. They whispered to him, "Come with us." Apparently, the person who bumped into Loki earlier had told the guards about his presence. Thor turned to look at his brother.

Loki told his brother, "I'll be fine." He then nodded to the guards and followed them towards the palace. As soon as the got far enough away from the crowds so people wouldn't notice, Loki dropped his illusion and was put in cuffs before being led to the dungeons. When they reached the palace Loki turned around briefly and saw his mother's spirit going to Valhalla.

The guards brought him to a separate part of the dungeon and he was uncuffed before being placed in a pure white room that had one wall that was made of a semi-transparent orange forcefield and contained a little cot. Loki studied the room for a little bit before lying down on the cot and going to sleep.

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