The Will

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Odin handed a scroll to one of the guards. He was going to sit down, but the looks everyone gave him said he probably shouldn't. The other guard held a large golden lock-box with intricate designs.

"The Last Will and Testament of Frigga, Queen of Asgard." The guards with the scroll read. "To Odin: A word of advice, do not imprison or banish any more of your family. "

Tony, Loki, and Thor sniggered at Odin's "advice" from Frigga.

"To Thor, I give you Ósk." The other guard took out a little amulet with a red gem in the center from the golden box. Thor and Loki examined it."Ósk is a wish amulet. It can be used once every moon cycle. Use it well." Thor looked at it with delight.

"And finally to Loki, my son." Loki looked up from the amulet. "My son, I know how hard this past couple of years have been for you. I am glad to hear you have made friends on Midgard. I also want to apologize for lying to you for all of these years. You are not a monster Loki, you are my son. Never forget that. I want you to know I will always love you no matter what." Silent tears were filling in Loki's eyes."To you, I give you a letter I wrote to you during your banishment and all of my other worldly possessions. I also give you 10 of idunn's apples to do with what you wish. I love you ~Mom"

The other guard presented Loki with the box but did not open it. Thor and Loki looked at the box, dumbfounded. Odin looked furiously at them before going to the balcony and calling for Heimdall. No answer. He tried again. This time there was an answer, but not the one he wanted to hear. He stalked back inside and informed the guards of the situation.

Clint stood up. "Why aren't you guys gone already?"

Odin sighed exasperatedly, "There has been a problem with the Bifrost. Heimdall said it should be easy to fix but he won't be finished until tomorrow night."

Now everyone else sighed. "So what you're saying is you're stuck here until tomorrow?!" Steve asked.

"I am afraid so."

Tony got up and walked towards Odin."Then we have to set some ground rules. 1. You don't get to have access to any of my alcohol. 2. You are a guest here, so don't go trashing anything. 3. You are not the goddamn king around here, so stop acting like one. Kapeesh?"

Odin was seething. He nodded curtly and went to find his room. Loki and Thor were staring at the contents of the box. There was a letter and then 10 golden apples surrounding it. Tony reaching in and picked up one of the apples ." So what's so special about these apples?" I mean yeah they are golden but is that it. Thor plucked the apple from Tony's hand and placed it carefully back in the box before shutting it.

"These are Apples of Idunn. Thor and I have each already had one in Asgard. They are apples of immortality." Loki explained. Everyone stared at the box. They eventually decided to store them away in Loki's room until they figured out what to do with them, considering they never rot. Loki didn't have the strength to read the letter just yet, so soon after her death.

The friends all had dinner together that night (unfortunately Odin decided to join too, but they just ignored him) and watched a movie. Afterward, when they were all going to bed, Odin asked," Where is Loki staying?" Everyone gave him a questioning look.

Nat asked, "Why, so you can kill him in his sleep?"

"No, I merely wanted to know where he is staying so I know whether I should sleep with one eye open."

Nat retorted," You definitely should, but I wouldn't be worried as much over Loki killing you. The rest of us are what you should be worried about." And with that, the friends went to bed after their very, VERY tiring day.

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