The Voice

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Somewhere else in Stark tower:

It had been 4 months since Loki came to Stark tower. Loki sat in his bed, quietly reading a Midgardian book that Thor had gotten for him called Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. He suddenly heard a loud yell from one of the levels above him and sprang up from his bed into a fighting stance. When he realized no one was there he sighed and carefully closed the book he had dropped in his alarm at the noise. Still breathing heavy from the recent events, he opened the door to the bathroom and grabbed a towel. "I need to relax after that," he said to himself. He began his shower and started to sing "Monster" by imagine dragons.
"J.A.R.V.I.S, please set up the music room with the proper instruments," Tony said to his AI.

Steve asked," Why do you have a music room? I haven't really seen you play until today."

"In case I ever wanted to record a song for Pep."

Clint mockingly went," Aaawww!" Nat elbowed him in his ribs. Clint stifled an"Ow" before Nat spoke.

"I think it's sweet, Tony," Nat commented.

" Sir, the room is prepared for use," the AI said.


"You're welcome, sir."

"Alright guys, let's get our butts down there!" Tony said." Unfortunately, the elevator is being repaired, so we have to take the stairs." A collective groan resounded from the group.

As they made their way down the stairs, Steve stopped suddenly and said," Do you guys hear that?" The group became quiet and heard a faint sound coming from the prisoner level. They walked to the door leading to the level and opened it quietly. Immediately the sound got loud enough for them to tell what it was.

"Is that singing?" Clint whispered.

Tony slowly walked down the hall and stopped when he found the source of the singing. He beckoned his friends over and whispered," I think it's Loki!"

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