"It's Levi-O-sa..."

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The next day, Loki came upstairs to be immediately hugged by Thor. "I have great news brother! The team is allowing us to explore New York for a day!"

Loki eyed everyone suspiciously. "Why?"

"What do you mean brother?"

"Why are you allowing me outside of the tower for a day?"

Tony answered quickly, "It's been months now and you've been so cramped up here, we wanted you to get some fresh air!" 'It wasn't entirely untrue' Tony thought.

"Alright, fine," Loki said, still a little suspicious.


Thor led his brother out of the tower and they spent the morning in the mall. Thor had to practically drag Loki out of Barnes and Noble so they could get lunch. After lunch, they explored central park, where they got a few glances from passersby who recognized the brothers. At about 3, they went to an open concert which both of them enjoyed. They explored time square for a little while before ending the day with the same karaoke club they went to with the team after Loki's breakdown a month earlier.

The two got back to the tower just before midnight and the two brothers both went into Loki's room where Loki collapsed on the bed and Thor on a little black couch in the corner of the room.


Loki got up in the morning to see Thor reading one of his books at his desk. Thor looked over at Loki and said good morning to his brother. They both got in the elevator to go upstairs with Thor being extremely perky, to Loki's confusion.

The elevator dinged and opened up to the avengers yelling at a stunned Loki, "SURPRISE!!"

The whole room was decorated with floating candles, pieces of armor, and stuffed animals of various magical creatures. It looked like the Harry Potter books had manifested into a single room. Loki was amazed. The whole group was dressed in Hogwarts robes, except for Pepper, who decided to come and visit and was dressed as Professor McGonagall. Thor had donned a cloak and he, along with Steve, was Gryffindors. Bruce was a Ravenclaw. Clint was a Hufflepuff. Tony and Natasha were Slytherins. Loki stepped towards the group and Tony immediately gave Loki a computer. "We all took the Pottermore quiz to see what house we were in. Now it's your turn!"

Loki answered all of the questions and to no one's surprise, he was a Slytherin. Tony gave him a Slytherin robe and told him," Guess you're stuck with me now!"

"Oh no! Woe is me!" Loki stated in the most sarcastic tone he could muster.

The group settled down on the couch and proceeded to watch the first two movies, which everyone greatly enjoyed. Loki commented on how much more annoying Lockhart was in the books than the movies, and the friends proceeded to have the whole "Books are always better than the movies" conversation. They then did a little play-dueling while they ate lunch, watched the next three movies before having dinner, and stayed up until 6 the next morning watching the rest of the movies. Everyone was happy but tired. All-in-all, a successful Harry Potter Movie Marathon.

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