Awkward introductions

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(A/N: in this timeline, Tony and the rest of the avengers already had an encounter with Bucky where they figured out what happened with Tony's Parents. In said encounter Bucky "Died")

Loki was unsure how he should respond. 'I mean, I killed him! How is he even alive? Does he still hold a grudge? Of course, he still holds a grudge... I killed him! Do I just say hi? Sorry for spearing you like a kabob? Come on Silvertongue! Make up something!'

"Ummm... Hi?", was all that he said.

' Goddammit, Loki! That was awful! You can do better than that!"

Coulson spoke."Hi. By the way, don't feel bad about the helicarrier thing. I know."

Loki looked a little surprised but mostly confused. " Know what?"

Coulson walked over to Loki and whispered so only Loki could hear. " About Thanos, about the torture, about the mind-control. Everything that happened at the sanctuary."

Loki's eyes widened and he turned to face Coulson. He mouthed 'How?'

Coulson just said," We can talk later if you want. Just know that I don't blame you."

Almost everyone had looks of equal shock on their faces. Loki killed him and now they're besties? What?!

The only one who didn't look shocked was the other new person. He just stood quietly in the back. He was rubbing his arm, not knowing what to do. Steve noticed the movement and his jaw hit the floor.

"B-but y-y-your dead..... h-how? I-is that really you Bucky?"

The man just looked at Steve and silently nodded. Steve rushed over to him and hugged him. After a couple of seconds Tony asked," Steve, why the hell is HE here and why are you buddy-buddy with him?" The rest of the avengers seemed to silently agree with him.

Steve tried explaining to them about the man Bucky was before the war. Bucky, Fury, Coulson, and Loki seemed disinterested

Bucky tried to look anywhere but a person who knew of his past and he landed eyes on Loki. He gave him a look that was a silent plea for help. No one else seemed to notice but Loki understood that look, and he felt bad. That is the look of a man who is tortured by the thought of his own past.

Loki offered to take Bucky downstairs while they continued to talk. Tony seemed glad to be rid of the man. Loki took him downstairs to where his old cell was and they sat down on the small bed.

After a while, Bucky asked," Shouldn't you be leaving me here and going back up to the others?"

Loki just let out a small sigh. " As much as the others might want me to just lock you up down here, I'm not going to. I brought you down here because I can tell you want to talk to someone who isn't prejudiced because of your past. And before you even ask, no Steve didn't send me to do this."

Neither of them said anything for a couple of minutes before Loki spoke again." Do you know of me?"

Bucky shook his head.

"I am Loki, and I am the God of Mischief."

Oh...right.... wait didn't he attack New York? How are the Avengers and he cool now?

Loki looked at Bucky's surprised face and said," Ah! You remember now. You are wondering how I got with the avengers aren't you?"

Bucky slowly nodded.

"Well then, I suppose I should start after the battle. I was taken back to Asgard where Odin told me I was to spend the rest of my life here on Midgard. Thor took me back here and they imprisoned me right in this very cell."

Bucky took the time to look around the room. It was around 12x14 and had grey walls and a white floor and ceiling. There were two doors, one being the one they just came from, and another one leading to a small bathroom. There was a small white desk and a metal chair in the corner and a twin-sized couch in the other. The bed they were sitting on was a cot, not terribly uncomfortable but not really that comfortable either.

Loki paused to let him look around and the continued." So here I was for four months, with a couple of books and Stark's iPhone( which I stole from him), until one day while I was reading, I heard shouting upstairs...."

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