Friendly Relations

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Loki had just finished explaining how he and the avengers became "buddy-buddy" when a knock came on the door.

"Who is it?" Loki asked.


A pause. Then..."Come in"

The door opened and Tony walked inside. He glared at Bucky.

"OK, so let's get one thing straight... I do not want to hear from you, I don't even want to see you, to be honest, but your friend is very convincing. Steve is the only reason you are still here, but one mess up and I will ship you back to SHIELD. Got it?" Loki slowly moved a comforting hand over Bucky's nervous one. Without waiting for a response he continued. "I only have two rules for you. Rule one, you are to always be accompanied by someone if you are not in your room. Rule two, do not even THINK about getting near my wine."

"Tony don't you think that's a little---"

Tony cut him off "Shush! The non-psychopathic person is talking here..."

Loki remained stoic, but on the inside, that hurt. I reminded him of when Thor and Odin would always demean him, cut him off, sometimes pretending he wasn't there.

"Steve's coming... good, I can leave now." And with that, the inventor stormed out of the room.

Loki looked at Bucky sadly. "Don't worry, I'll get him to come around." And with that Loki left Bucky. Loki went upstairs and entered the living room. He ignored everyone and headed straight to the hallway with all of the rooms.

"Hey, Lokes! Want a drink?"

Loki turned around and Stark was standing there, smiling, and holding a glass of scotch. Loki glared at him, tears welling in his eyes, for a second before continuing to his room. He was turning the door handle when he heard footsteps behind him. Loki turned around and Clint was standing behind him. Clint noticed the watery eyes.

"Are you OK?" Loki pressed his lips together in a thin line and slowly shook his head. "Wanna talk about it?" Loki nodded and they went inside his room.

* Flashback *

Loki's eyes burst open as he sat up sharply and began panting heavily. He could feel hands brushing his shaking arm, trying to calm him down. He looked over to see Clint at his bedside. "It's ok, Loki. It was just a nightmare. Please calm down." His breathing started to return to normal as he leaned back against the propped-up pillow against the wall, not wanting to lay down again.


Loki nodded in understanding. "Thank you for staying with me."

"Your welcome. Now, you don't have to tell me right now, or ever for that matter, but if you ever want to discuss your nightmares, I'll listen. I get them too."

* End Flashback*

For the past months since Clint first found him during that night with the nightmare, the two had become more open with one another. They talked about their nightmares and what causes them. Loki was probably closer to him than even Thor. Besides Coulson, who apparently knows too, Clint is the only one who knows about what happened at the sanctuary. So for the other avengers to see them go off on their own to talk was a normal occurrence.

They sat down on the bed and Clint asked. "So what's bothering you?"

Loki took a deep breath and said," When I was downstairs with Bucky, Tony came down and started being pretty harsh to the guy. I was about to tell him that maybe it was a little too harsh before he interrupted me saying, 'Shush! The non-psychopathic person is talking here.' And that hurt a lot. I've been called a monster, a liar, and crazy my entire life. So to hear one of my closest friends say it... it hurt. A lot."

Clint placed a comforting hand over Loki's shoulder. When Loki was sad they would always talk about one of the tv shows they watched together or music. This time they started to discuss the episode, "The Reichenbach Fall" from Sherlock. They laughed talking about their favorite characters (Loki's was Moriarty and Clint's was John).

They left the room with smiles on their faces. When they went into the living room, everyone was there. Apparently, they ditched the idea of a movie and decided to have a mini X-Mas party. Tony was, surprisingly, not drunk (Pepper cut him off). Clint discreetly picked up a butter knife from the table and went over to Tony, Loki following him closely behind. Clint brought up to knife to under Tony's throat and said, "If I EVER hear that you say what you said to Loki again, you will wish I was Nat."

And with that Clint took away the knife from Tony's throat and placed it on the table and he and Loki went down to the band room to practice some of their favorite songs. Bucky came along to watch too because of the looks Tony was giving him.

They were all having a fun time when they heard an explosion coming from the bottom of the tower...

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