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The four-week sentence was up today and all of the Avengers eagerly waited for Loki's return. Thor went back to Asgard earlier that day to get his brother. They were all worried about the state Loki would be in when he returned, but that no matter what happened they would all help him through it.


Loki sat in the corner of his cell reading "Hamlet" for the fifth time. He had lost track of the days since he had been in here. During these days his grief for Frigga had somewhat subsided, but his anger at Odin grew. The only things keeping him from lashing out were the magic dampeners placed in the cell and the books Thor had sent him.

He was almost at the end of the book when he heard footsteps. He would have expected them to be guards bringing him food, but the footsteps were far too heavy to be them. "It can't be," he thought. He looked up to see the magic barrier down and his brother standing outside the cell.

"Thor?" he asked quietly.

Thor came into the cell and the brothers hugged each other. They both were overjoyed at the sight of one another. They eventually broke apart and they both stepped outside. They made their way down to the observatory. Heimdall wished both of them farewell and sent them down with the Bifrost.

When the arrived back on the tower balcony, it was snowing. Any time a snowflake landed on Loki a little dot of blue would appear on his skin, then quickly disappear. They made their way inside the building. Loki looked around at the tower. He was back home. Tony was standing in the kitchen when the brothers walked inside. Tony ran to Loki and hugged him. Loki smiled slightly and hugged him back.

"We missed you so much!"

"I missed you too."

They broke apart. "How've you been bud?" Tony asked.

Loki shrugged."I don't about you be put in a cell for 4 weeks with nothing to do but read a handful of books and you can tell me how it went" Loki said with narrowed eyes.

Tony smiled, "So Loki is still Loki, good to know! How about you Thor?"

Thor looked around, confused. "Where are the rest, friend Tony?"

"Thor, It's just Tony... and everyone else is waiting for you guys in the band room. Come on!" Tony said ushering the brothers over to the elevator

They went to the room to have all of their friends rush up to Loki as soon as he walked in a gave him a group hug.

Loki's voice was heard from the middle of the circle," Can't......breathe...."

They all chuckled and let go. The friends asked how Loki was with a very similar response to Stark's. They chatted and watched movies until 3 am, when Steve decided it would be a good idea for them to go to bed. They all parted and Loki made his way to his room.

He stepped inside and a small smile immediately made its way onto his face. He looked affectionately around the room at his books and the pictures of him with his friends.
He settled on the soft mattress and went to sleep.
Loki woke up and went down to the kitchen to see all of his friends were already awake. Natasha had made his favorite breakfast, Cinnamon Rolls and Pancakes. They all sat down and ate breakfast to some of their favorite songs to practice with.

They had all just finished eating when the lights flickered and the tower vibrated a little. After a couple of seconds, everything went back to normal.

Clint asked, "Uhhh... JARVIS? What was that?"

"Something has landed on the balcony, sir"

Before anyone else could ask more they heard the balcony door open. They all turned around to see two people in clad in golden armor. Between them stood the man who had made Loki's life a living hell.

Loki narrowed his eyes and grit his teeth as he stood from where he sat. "What are you doing here?" he growled.

"That is no way to talk to your king and your father Loki." The man calmly replied.

" You are NOT my king and you are CERTAINLY no father of mine..." Loki took a couple of steps towards the man."Odin."

Loki's VoiceWhere stories live. Discover now