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In response to the picture:

Of course I feel weak.

Words either written on a page or screen affect me.

I think the spoken words affects me more.

Because you are able to hear exactly what they mean.

The tone in their voice is able to depict something different; something that can target parts of you.

It can make you feel disappointed.

It can make you feel angry.

It can make you feel bad about yourself.

It can make you feel like you are the biggest piece of shît on this Earth and you are the biggest inconvenience to them.

It can make you feel like you are worthless and don't deserve any better.

And worst of all;


Worst of all:

It can make you believe them.

Every single thing leaving their mouth.







Attack of the killer words starring: your worst nightmare.

You are the protagonist and their words are the villain.

You may be the main character but you cannot save yourself from this.

You cannot be your own hero in this case.

These words are your kryptonite.

They maim you with the first syllable and defeat you with the tone used.


You offended me?

Of course you offended me.

You are like an enemy to me.

But I can't defeat you.

I can't escape you.

You fûcking hurt me so much that it almost kills me to say that you win.

I give up.

Fûck you and your words.

Fûck you and your double sided tongue.

Fûck you and your supposed innocence and your fake attitude.

Fûck you.

And what makes me even more angry;

And what makes me even more hurt;

Is that you don't have the slightest clue what you have done to me.

You don't have the slightest clue how you affected me.


And I can't stop you.

So while you move on;

While you find a new life;

While you go out into the greater world:

I'll be sitting here-

Trying to pick up the pieces of my wounded soul,

Trying to stick it back together,

Trying to grow stronger,

And you have left a hairline fracture there.

I will never forget it.

Because it will haunt me forever.

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