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(Because) I wish that the boy in my dreams was mine in reality.

He's tall.

He's strong.

He's affectionate.

He loves me.

He appreciates me.

And he calls me beautiful.


This is the part where you wish your dreams are your reality.

The part where sleeping is better than waking up.

That the life you create overnight is better than the one you've been creating your whole life.

When you attempt to fall back to sleep after something amazing in hopes that it might happen again.

This is the part where you close yourself off and try to escape.

Escape to the world that you created.

The one inside your mind.

Closed off to the outside world because you want to keep it to yourself.

And only yourself.

Your mind is your home.

It is your domain.

It is your safe haven.

Sometimes I wish dreams were my reality.

I hope that one day they are.

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