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Relationships #1

So with beginning in the adult world- meaning less school, more life- new emotions and challenges have been thrown my way.

Some not so major.

Others not so minor.

But I have noticed that as soon as school had finished my peers were becoming more involved in relationships and trying to find that someone.

Which is slightly ridiculous seeing as we have our whole lives but also on another level completely understandable.

I'm not going to lie.

A relationship with someone would be something exciting to start.

I'm more scared about the beginning part.

How do you go from perfect strangers to something more??

How do you even start something like that??

Do you just say 'hey' and the rest falls into place??

It sounds like some treacherous mountain filled with nooks and crevices unexplored.

Mount Relationship- taller than Mount Everest and equally as dangerous because: what if you fall??

You can't always catch yourself.

You can't always pick yourself back up again.


I'm afraid of the beginning and the ending but not so much the middle.

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