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The meaning of life.


Everyone tries to guess the meaning of life.



-To find that special someone.

There are also those few who don't believe in a meaning of life.

I mean really... Who knows?

There are a multitude of reasons why one should and shouldn't live.

Some focus on the positives.

Others don't.


The meaning of life.

The meaning of life.

The meaning of life.

The meaning of life.


All sound so different but are actually the same thing.

Are we all living for the same thing?

Or are we all living for different reasons?

Some would agree with one idea,

Some would agree with the other.

Maybe both are correct.

We will never know.


Everyone has their own definition of why they are here.

Some people believe it is a purpose.

A special something that we were specifically created for.

Something than out of all the combinations of sperm and ovum created YOU.

YOU and YOU alone.

YOU are here for some reason.

I want YOU to live to find YOUR purpose or special meaning- whatever it is you believe in.

YOU can find YOUR niche.


What I think I am trying to say is:

While everyone believes that they are special in their own way and they have a special and specific purpose;

Don't try to escape life and you living it.

Live long enough to find what you believe is your purpose in life and


No one should tell you otherwise and if they do- they have the problem not you.

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