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Thoughts on a Night Out - Sober Style

By SilverFox96


Right, okay. I can do this.

Alright. This is a lot of unfamiliar faces.

'Hi!' Why am I talking to this person? I don't even know them.

Please don't buy me a drink. I'm not going to have it.

When are we leaving?

Next venue?! How am I going to survive this night?

Oh my god. She is plastered. Don't be associated with her.

Don't make eye contact with him. Or him. Or her. Or that group.

Oh god. A person from the past. Shît. I am invisible. They cannot see me.

Okay with friends. Stay in a group. Safety in numbers. Oh god. We're missing one.

Okay altogether now. Drunk idiot hitting up friend. Lock eyes with friend and communicate telepathically. Give icy queen look to idiot. Ignore.

Give friend further stare as she happily speaks to creep.

Continue to wish that other half is sitting beside you.

Watch for all signs of idiots- drunk or sober.  Eyes spy idiots in the direction of 12 o'clock.

2 o'clock.

3 o'clock.

Oh and 9 o'clock.

Why did I wear this outfit?!

Stop looking at me like I'm a piece of meat. Don't make comments when I can hear you. I don't appreciate being called 'yummy' and having lips licked at my direction when I'm insecure, scared and feeling vulnerable. There is a time and place for those comments and actions.

Okay. Group is back together again.

Oh great. New weirdos to chat to. Don't trust them. Don't make conversation. Don't make conversation AAAANNNNDDDD we're talking to them.

Just dance. Don't think about anyone else. Just think about yourself. Relax. Enjoy yourself.

Where's the group?!

I'm sure they're fine.

But what if they're not.

What happens if they've been drugged or kidnapped or raped and I don't know about it and I didn't protect them or keep them safe and it's all my fault and why couldn't everyone just have not drunk so much and everyone is pissed and WHY DO I HAVE TO CARE SO GODDAMM MUCH?!!?!!


Let me tell you, it was a relief to go home and go to bed.

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