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I used to hope that a leopard could change her spots but once a leopard, always a leopard.

I managed to convince myself again and again.

Yes I said her.

I meant it for a reason.

Some people will know who she is.

Most people won't.


But I am sure everyone has a leopard in their life.

A leopard that they believe will change.

A leopard that will change for the better.

A leopard that will do something out of the goodness of their heart.

A leopard that won't cause scars.

A leopard that won't physically or emotionally maim.

A leopard that won't ever change.

A leopard cannot change their spots.


You can try and convince yourself.

You can really try.

But again and again you will get hurt.

You will get a scar.


My leopard happened to be almost like a pet- we were almost that close.


But then the leopard changed.

She grew angrier.

Maybe a little bit jealous.

Having hissy fits- clawing and growling so that someone would pay attention and she would get her way.

She would begin to target me and attack.

Small scars appeared and I managed to convince myself that it would stop.

That the scars would fade.

But they didn't.

Over time the scars have a deepened and are now permanently there.

The leopard is still near.

She isn't close anymore.

But she is still there.

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