Reference (Y/N): Not a fucking chan- HUNGH

Penny had bear hugged Reference from behind. Being unprepared for the attack, He dropped the dart, leaving it to fall towards the floor. Ruby used her semblance to grab the dart before it even touches the floor, replacing it with rose petals. (Y/N) saw this and acted quickly, he stuffed his hands into Reference (Y/N)'s pockets and grabbed out a white remote with a handle and a green electric ball sat on top encased with a glass display. He quickly tossed it to (Y/N) who took caught ita second to admire it.

Brodie: Is this Rick's portal gun?

Reference (Y/N): Oi! Gimme that! You definitely aren't getting that.

Reference (Y/N) pulled himself out Penny's grip and started to sprint towards the author. Brodie randomly span the dial on the portal gun around and shot immediately in front of him, allowing Reference (Y/N) to unwillingly sprint into it. Brodie, then threw the gun at the floor, not knowing how to close the portal. The gun went halfway through the portal, reaching the edge. The gun was split in half, causing the portal to close. Half of the portal gun sat on the floor with a melted edge replacing where the other half was.

(Y/N): Dude!

Brodie: What?

(Y/N): We could of used that to travel dimensions.

Brodie: Uhh...

The room was left with silence while Brodie thought of a reason.

Brodie: First of all, had no clue how it worked. Second, we've got our own to make. And lastly, our can describe the dimesion. So, what I did, was correct.

Wiess: Sure it was. Do you even know where you sent him?


Blake: Doesn't matter, I'm glad he's gone.Now, what we need to do to get this machine built.

Penny: What's the first instruction?


One machine building montage later...

(Y/N): The last thing we gotta do is put the Batrachotoxin in there.

(Y/N) gestures his hand towards the last empty compartment inside the multidimensional transporter.

(Y/N): And then screw in the last casing plate there.

Yang goes to pick up the Nerf dart that was left on the room's desk. (Y/N) stops her.

(Y/N): I wouldn't touch that if I were you.

Yang: But you can in your world?

(Y/N): I had the tools to be careful with stuff like this, I don't have them here.

Yang: Can't you just use your semblance to-

The conversation was put on pause as Penny had already grabbed the Nerf dart and placed it into it's correct position.

Yang: So it was safe to touch.

Brodie, (Y/N), and Ruby: No

Yang: Did none of you guys see that she just grabbed it with own hands?

Ruby: Can we just leave it at that then?

Yang: Fine...

Brodie, (Y/N) and Ruby all created a huge sigh of relief.

Summer: So, how does this thing work?

(Y/N) grabbed Weiss' laptop and plugged it into the machine.

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