We Have To Save Us

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Team RWBY, Summer, Penny and all three (Y/N)s all quickly made their way to a Combat Bullhead that was headed to the city of Vale. From the view of the bullhead, the party of huntresses and (Y/N)s could see the destruction of a commercial street. Large cracks and plot holes littered the road. Buildings that sat upon said road had holes in their ground floor exterior walls. Multiple walls of fire spread the street.

Powerful (Y/N): Apocalypse movies tell me they're down there.

Reference(Y/N): Wow, how'd you work that one out Dr. Doofenshmirtz?

Ruby: Then we're jumping.

(Y/N): We're what?

Blake: Jumping. It's the quickest way to get down there.

(Y/N): I'm gonna die if I jump.

Yang: Did you forget you have an aura, now?

(Y/N): Did you forget I don't have a landing strategy? 

Yang opens the Bullhead doors.

Yang: Well, figure one out.

Yang continues to leap off the ledge. (Y/N) jumps back as he's startled about how keen she was to jump off. Weiss and Blake follow suit. Ruby gives (Y/N) a hug.

Ruby: *whispers* You've got this.

(Y/N): *whispers* No I don't.

Ruby leans away from (Y/N) and grabs onto both of his shoulders.

Ruby: You made a machine that goes through dimensions. You can do this.

Ruby then begins to walk backwards and falls off the Bullhead.

(Y/N): Yeah, nah. I can't do this.

Reference (Y/N): Come on man. Hatsune Miku did it in "Goodbye" and she's still singing strong.

(Y/N): She's also a COMPUTER PROGRAM!

Reference (Y/N): And RWBY is a web show. Yet here you fucking are. So jump off like your fucking Flappy Bird and fuck off.

(Y/N): References aren't gonna get me to jump off. 

Reference (Y/N): Then move out of the fucking way.

Reference (Y/N) shoved (Y/N) to the floor and proceeded to jump off.

Reference (Y/N): Leeroooooooy Jeeeenkiiiins!

Summer: Is it a bad time to say I don't have my weapon with me?

(Y/N): Don't worry, I've got an idea.

(Y/N) gets up off the floor and grabs out his scroll and brings a picture of Crescent Rose, except it's painted white instead of red. He makes a shoving motion with his phone towards his empty hand. Summer's weapon gets launched out of the scroll and (Y/N) catches it with his other hand.

(Y/N): First try? I'm getting better at this.

(Y/N) goes to hand the scythe cross rifle to Summer, but Powerful (Y/N) bumps into (Y/N) the weight of the weapons is enough to get (Y/N) to slip off the edge. In a completely reactionary movement, (Y/N) switches the weapon to it's scythe form and uses it to catch onto the Bullhead's interior floor. Powerful (Y/N) also manages to grab onto (Y/N)'s left leg. (Y/N) zones back into the situation and holds onto the scythe's handle as tight as he can.

(Y/N): Dude!

Powerful (Y/N): Sorry!

(Y/N): Watch where you're running!

Powerful (Y/N): Sorry! I'll see you down there!

Powerful (Y/N) lets go of (Y/N)'s leg, falling to the ground. The balance of the scythe immediately shifts, causing (Y/N) to hold on tighter. Luckily, Penny and Summer held onto the bladed side of the weapon and drag him back into the Bullhead.

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