14. Melt down

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Conor was staying late at work today, I don't know when he'll be back. I sat next to Jessica, she had her face in her hands and was sobbing for dear life .

"Jessica." I said softly. " Please talk to me. I can't help you if you don't talk to me."

"I can't do this." She whimpered. "It hurts"

"Are you in pain? Do you want to go to the hospital ?" I asked, panicking.

She lifted her head and looked at me with teary eyes that made my heart clench. In her hands was a crumpled up paper...well it looked like a paper.

When she gave it to me I realized what it was. It was a picture of an ultra sound, her ultra sound I realized in shock.

"He would've been two today." She sniffled. "He didn't even have a chance to be born because Joe beat his life out of me." Her words cracked and more tears fell down her cheeks.

We knew about the abuse and the ....rape, but this was a new level of cruel.

I clenched my fists to my sides. I wanted to pound his face in for what he did to this innocent child who had no way of defending himself, and for his mother, who was also a child and had no one to run to.

I wanted to hold her and comfort her but she wouldn't let me near her. Conor came home and I left her on the floor to go tell him about the situation , maybe he'll know what to say to her.

I saw Conor in the next room putting his bag down, before I can even get a word out the crashing of glass from the other room made both Conor and I freeze.

We snapped out of our trance and ran back to the living room.

The sight made all the memories with Cassie flood my mind again .

Jessica laid on the floor. The glass table was broken and a large piece of glass was sticking out of her chest.

Conor and I rushed her to the hospital, both of us praying for her to be alright.

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