6. Mystery Girl

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Conor waited anxiously for his brother's return, pacing back and forth in front of the fire.  He didn't mean to get his brother so riled up, he just wanted to help. Jack was right, the reason for this trip was to help him. He knows Jack blames himself for what happened, the guilt he was feeling will eat him alive sooner or later .

There were sounds of footsteps behind Conor  . When he turned around he saw his brother walking swiftly with a girl in his arms and a pink shoulder bag with black stars, which looked ridiculously funny on his tall brother .

Jack put the girl down, gently in one of the tents . Both brothers knelt beside her,  one on each side.

"How did this happen?" Conor turned to his brother.

"I don't know,  I found her like this. She was just lying there, I couldn't just leave her." Jack explained.

"You did the right thing. How does her injuries look to you?"

"You tell me,  you're the doctor."

"My field is psychology, not medicine. Get the first aid kit."

Jack left to get the kit and Conor left to get some water. Together they took their time and gently cleaned the dirt from her skin and treat all visible wounds . She still had a very high temperature so the boys left three blankets on her,  in hope that  by morning she would be well enough to travel to the hospital.

"She looks half starved and dehydrated,  lets hope she wakes by morning so we can get some water into her." Conor said,  he and his brother sat outside their tents,  on the log.

"Do you think she was running from someone? There were marks all over her arms. And by her throat,  like someone tried strangling her." Jack looked at his brother.

"It looks that way. In the morning we'll take her to the hospital and call the police. We've done all we can do for now. " Conor got up and headed for the tent they were going to stay in. Soon after,  Jack followed.

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