11. Freedom

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I flapped my arms around to get the guys attention.

"What, Jessica?" Conor asked, while Jack went into the store to pay for the gas. I pointed to the TV.

We couldn't hear what the news reporter was saying,my picture was being broadcast-ed and at the bottom of the screen were words in big bold  red letters:


Then a black and white video popped up. The security surveillance from the police station's parking lot. It showed Conor and Jack getting in the car and driving away with me in the back seat. It actually did look like kidnap. Thankfully the security camera only got the back of the Jack's and Conor's heads.

Jack walked back from the store at a fast pace. The look on his face told us that he saw it too.

Conor got in the driver's seat and Jack in the passenger.

I glanced at the guy in the store, behind the counter. He was looking at me and he had his cell phone in his hand. From the look on his face I knew he was turning us in.

The car sped off before I could see anything else.

"It's Joe, obviously." Jack muttered, gritting his teeth.

"The good news is that they didn't get the licence plate, and they didn't get a clear visual of us. Let's just hope that we can get out of town without anyone recognizing us." Conor said with a hopeful voice.


When we got the town's borders, it was dark. There were two cars in front of us. An officer was checking each one thoroughly before they were allowed to leave town.

They were looking for us.

"Jessica." I looked at Conor when he called my name. "Get down and cover yourself with the blanket." he ordered.

Wasting no time, I did exactly what he told me to. The blanket wasn't thick so I could still see. The officer would have a hard time seeing in because the streetlights were dim.

One of the cars already left so the other one was in front of us. Just when I thought we could leave town without being recognized, I spotted something in the officer's hand. Pictures of Jack and Conor. They were from the surveillance cameras. They weren't very clear, but clear enough to recognize them.

The car in front of us drove off and the officer motioned us to come forward. Jack must have spotted the pictures because he sped forward and drove off. The officer tried to follow in his car but fell behind .

We passed the welcome sign and for the first time in years I felt as if there wasn't a noose around my neck, labouring my breathing.

I finally felt free.

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