3. Torture

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Time went by and nothing seemed right anymore. I stopped reading, I stopped doing anything. I sunk more and more into depression. I stopped living, becoming an empty shell.

Joe stopped coming every night. Sometimes he would come once a week, twice a week. Which ever suited him.

I looked at myself in the mirror, just staring at the broken girl. Her eyes once so full of life now dull. Her face once held joy now held depression. I didn't recognize her.

I took a strand of hair and twirled it around my finger. It was so beautiful, and I wasn't.I was broken, disgusting. I didn't deserve this soft glossy hair. I took the knife and started cutting furiously, angry tears making its way down my cheeks. I couldn't stand to look at myself anymore, especially when I thought of the things he made me do.

He would give me slutty clothes to wear, but only infront of him. If I refused I was punished.

He would tie me to the bed while he had his way with me. If I refused I was punished.

He would make me give him oral. If I refuse I was punished.

Joe came in. I was already wearing the matching underwear and bra he picked out for me. He stopped and stared at me, no he stared at my hair.

"What did you do to your hair?" His voice was Deathly calm. The calm before the storm. I sat there unmoving, not knowing what to do. "Answer me!"

I flinched and looked down. I did it because I hate myself, I feel disgusted. Can't you see what you're doing to me?

I didn't say it though. I wouldn't dare. He took my silence for defiance. He dragged me, by what little hair I had left, out of the room. Tears were streaming down my face. I knew where He was taking me and I was terrified.

He took me to one of the rooms. The room had different things that he used to torture me. Knives, whips, Chains, etc.

He tied my hands with a rope and hooked the rope on a hook that was attached to the ceiling. My feet were barely touching the ground.

P-please." I cried. " I'm sorry. I'll do anything you want. I-i'll..." I didnt get to finish the sentence because the whip came in contact with my back. I screamed, but that didn't faze him, because he did it again and again and again. He did it until I lost my voice from screaming. My throat was raw and I was barely conscious. He dropped the whip and left .

I don't know how long I hung there but I just prayed that God has mercy on me this once and let me die. I couldn't do this anymore.

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