Prologue - Pain

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I stood by the opened windows, letting the wind flow through my dark, glossy hair. I stood there like a statue, listening to my mother's painful breathing. I knew that soon there would be a time where I would have to let her go, but I refuse to think about it. She will be with me for a long time to come.

It seemed not that long ago Joe Harris came into our lives. He made mommy happy after daddy went to heaven. Now my mom is lying in a bed, hooked up to scary machines, and is struggling for air.

I walked over to her bed and wiped her burning forehead with a damp cloth. Joe said a seven-year-old should not be doing this, but I didn't care. She was my mother, I didn't care how young I was, I was still going to take care of her. I pulled a chair next to her bed and sat down. I held her hand and gently stroked her cheeks with my small hands.

I woke up to find Joe gently shaking me.

"It's late, honey. You need to go to bed."

"But I don't want to leave her." I whispered.

"I'll be here with her. If anything happens I'll wake you, okay? "

"Okay." I sighed in defeat.

I got up drowsily and made my way to the door. Just when i was about to open the door a sudden scream filled the air. An outburst of fear and pain.

I spun around and found Joe struggling with mommy . She was crying and screaming. She looked scared, my chest hurt.

The door was pulled open and a couple of nurses ran in. One of the nurses took my hand and made me follow her out the room. I didn't want to leave her but at the same time I didn't want to see her like this either. She's in pain, she's scared, I'm scared. I want my strong mommy back.

The screaming could be heard from my room. It was the most horrible sound I've ever heard. It's been seven months since my mom got sick. Joe had enough money to have doctors and nurses look after her at home. I was glad because I could be with her all of the time.

The screaming finally stopped. I didn't think I would be able to sleep, but after a truck load of tears I fell asleep.

The next morning I went downstairs and was greeted with a hot, cheerful breakfast. I ate it up and took my daily position at mom's bedside.

When the nurses finished what they were doing we were left alone .

I noticed how pale she looked, how thin she was. Tears flooded my eyes at the sight of her weak state.

I sat by her side all day. It was late, Joe would be home soon.

Mommy slowly opened her eyes. She was fighting for breath, trying to say something. I could almost feel how painful it was for her to breathe.

"Don't cry, Jessica." She croaked.

I was crying. I didn't know when I started and I don't know when I'll stop, because it felt as if I would never be able to stop the pain in my chest.

Mom raised a frail hand to my cheek, wiping the tears away. She was trying to say something, but she just ended up coughing. After several attempts she finally managed something.

"I-I love you, Jess. Never f-forget that." She whispered, as she looked tenderly at me. I smiled through my tears, I leaned down and kissed her cheeks.

Mom smiled too, but that was replaced by a painful expression. She started coughing painfully, which led to Dark red blood coming out of her mouth.

I screamed for Joe, I had never screamed so loudly in my life. The soft blue sheets were now covered with blood.

After a couple of screams Joe and the nurses came rushing in. Once again, I was locked out. Joe looked at me and told me to change my clothes, and he went inside and closed the door. I didn't know why he told me that until I looked down.
My rose pink shirt was covered with blood stains.

I did as I was told. I went to my room, took a bath, and waited impatiently for news. Silent tears made its way down my face as I replayed the entire scene of her retching up blood. There was so much blood. Blood on the bed, blood on my hands, I didn't know such a thin person could have so much blood.


Mom died that night. The next day the mansion was filled with people. Neighbours and friends giving their condolences. They told me that the worst part will be the funeral, after that time will heal.

They were wrong.

I learnt this a little while later. Everyone left. The mansion was quiet, really quiet. Joe was somewhere making arrangements for mom's funeral.

The worst part wasn't the funeral. Although, the funeral would definitely be a close second.

The worst part is being alone. Knowing that I'll never see her again. I felt empty. I miss her. I miss her. I miss her.

Will this ache in my chest ever go away?

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