13. Second Chance

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The day I found my sister's body was the day I lost a part of myself . Cassie, Conor and I were as close as siblings could get . When she died I felt the part of me that laughed, and made goofy jokes, the part of me that was happy, that part of me died with her.

I feel as if meeting Jessica gave me, gave us a second chance to be happy again. Now that her bastard of a step father is getting what he deserves, she can finally be happy.

Except she isn't. Conor and I have done everything we can to help her. We've been patient with her whenever she gets a nightmare . We've checked her into therapy two times a week. Everything that she missed out on as a child, we've tried to have  her experience them.

Yet still, her eyes look dead and dull. She smiles a lot but any idiot with eyes can tell it's forced . I thought that maybe if we keep pretending everything is fine, everything will be.

I was wrong. I realized that the day she broke and crumbled before our very eyes .

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