Chapter 2

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Then I'll step into the class but something happens...

To be continued...


I'll run and went to the class with such a hurry and I panicked because Ahoko usually use a mop to hit me  because i peek under her skirt to look at it and she also wear a same colour underwear. "Why she doesn't wear a different colour."

"BAKAITO!!!" Ahoko chase me. I bump into a girl who has h/l h/c hair and wear a big glasses. Suddenly, Ahoko throw a mop at me but i dodge it. The mop fly and hit that girl "Oops, that must hurt" i help her to stand up because that Ahoko fault.


I'll saw a mop flying and it hit Y/n. "Woah!" I'll shock at that. I'll walk to y/n and take a look if she okay or not. Then a boy pass by me and help Y/n to stand up but I felt something wrong then i'll look at Y/n and the dark aura appear around her. "Shit! Bad time" i curse at myself.

"Hana ! Give me a candy" i shout but in a low voice to hana.
"Oh,okay!" Hana gave me a candy. I'll take it out and open the candy plastic wrapper . I'll fed to Y/n  and her aura had dissappear.


"That was so close" i said at Kitsu.
"Yeah~~~" Kitsu sigh.

"Y/n angered is very dangerous than me because people could get killed with her bad side. When we were a child Kitsu, Y/n and i went out to buy a candy. Then something happened, we saw a soccer ball pass by me and hit Y/n. I felt dark aura appeared around her. She then took the soccer ball and put it down. She slowly take a step back and kicked the soccer ball. The soccer ball had passed by the teenager boys and hit the goal. Kitsu and i was really shocked because that kicked was really dangerous. Her dark side still appeared, Kitsu gave her a candy and she went back to normal. We still think that was weird and we think that we know how  to make that dangerous mood dissappear."


"Ouch!" I rub my head while eating the candy.
Then a boy help me stand up "Hey are you okay,sorry for that."
"Nah it's okay" i forgive him.
Then a girl appear and push that boy. I was shock and the girl suddenly apologise "Sorry, I didn't mean it. This was Bakaito fault" she bark at the boy."Bakaito???"
I let out giggle "Nah, it's okay. Just be careful,i was afraid that you would throw a dangerous thing to people." I advice her. "Yeah, Ahoko be careful" that boy said it  and the girl glared at the boy.

"Mrs. Nakamori and Mr. Kuroba, please sit down at your seated place." Teacher Takuya said at the two of them.
"Hight,sensei / Yes,teacher"
"Student, we are having a new student. Sorry, Mrs. L/n...Oh yeah, please introduced yourself."

"Nah, it's okay teacher nevermind it" Hana said with cheerful voice." Who nevermind it, i'm sure if my bad side appeared again i will hit the both of them. Wait,calm down Y/n."

"Hello, guys! My name is Hana L/n. Nice to meet you" Hana smile at them. Many boys were blushing because of her cute voice.
"Hmm,hey. My name is Kitsu L/n. Nice to meet you all" Kitsu smirk when she introduced herself.
"Ouch! Yo! My name is Y/n L/n. Nice to meet you duh" i'll said with a bored voice. Kitsu, Hana and the classes were shock and stare at me. "Huh, what???" I said innocently. "Nevermind" they said. "I think, i just let out my tomboy side again.Hmm...nevermind"
"Okay, Mrs. L/n please sit at your empty desk"
"Oh, okay" we said in unison.

I'll walk and seat right beside the boy which is Mr. Kuroba. Kitsu seat beside him aswell and Hana seat beside the girl which is Mrs. Nakamori. Then the teacher started  teaching us math and history subject, "Ughhhhh, so boring dude because i already learn it."

The Assassins ~Kaito Kid x Reader...COMPLETENơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ