WereGarurumon's Diner

Start from the beginning

"And now he's making you cook the food to oay him back." I finished for him.

"When I'm not doing dishes or scrubbing toilets." Joe added.

Just then, the manager, Veggiemon came in, slamming the door wide open in anger.

"What! You want me to say pretty please? Dish up that stew!" He yelled. Joe was quick to take the nearby ladle and pour the stew he cooked into a clean bowl.

"Hmph! About time." Veggiemon then turned towards us, "Who the heck are these jokers?"

"We're friends of Joe and Gomamon." I said.

"Well, whoopdie do and good for you." Veggiemon said before taking a sample of the stew. Almost immediately after taking a bite, he spit it out, gagging at the taste.

He threw the bowl and stew against the cupboards, breaking the bowl and spilling the food.

"Disgusting! I can't give that to my customers!" Joe stuttered out an excuse, but it was no good, "Now you'll work an extra day for the ingredients you've wasted."

"Another day?" Joe groaned.

"One more day? On top of how long, Joe?" I asked.

A bead of sweet dripped down Joe's face as he explained his time owed here.

"Well, at first it was supposed to be for three days, but I kept making mistakes and it got longer. Now I'm up to six weeks." Joe said.

"And he still owes me for the wasted food, not to mention the broken dishes!" Veggiemon yelled.

"What's all the commotion in here? The customers are complaining." Another digimon said as he walked into the kitchen.

His name was Digitamamon, a digimon with a hard outer shell shaped like an egg with large green three-toed legs and feet coming out from the bottom.

I tried to get Joe off the hook from his work, but there was no moving him. So, I came up with another plan. I told Joe that I would go get Raya and Tk, then come back here and help him work off his debt.

But before Gabumon and I could get back to our boat, Digitamamon followed us and said that we had to stay and work. He had threatened that so many accidents could happen in the kitchen with Joe.

I was angry, but more than anything I was worried for my friend. I sighed, knowing that I would break my promise to return to Tk, but Raya was with him and I could always trust her with my little brother.

So, we went back to the diner. Even though I was doing this to help Joe, I couldn't stop thinking about Raya and Tk. And with all this stress and Joe's constant talking, I became a jerk, snapping and yelling at him.

There were good things to this, I was a good cook and with our digimon helping us in the kitchen, we thought it would be easy to pay off Joe's debt.

However, we thought wrong. Joe was clumsy, dropping food, getting orders wrong, ruining meals and breaking dishes.

If I did the math right, we had owed more than a year in work. It had gotten so bad that I was getting fed up and struggling to control my anger towards him.

I thought back to my younger years before and after Raya's big accident. She had always told me to be calm amd control my anger or else it would lead to bad situations. I had followed her advice, but sometimes I just had to let it all out.

During my time in the digital world, I had been slightly overwhelmed with watching over Tk, and making sure that Raya was alright with her new powers and her leg.

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