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spark taeyeon

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jaemin woke up in the early morning hours, slowly realizing he and his babies had slept through the afternoon last night after getting home from the store with jaehyun and taeyong. immediately, the boy's head started throbbing with a very extra excruciating pain, a pain much stronger and different than the usual.

his withdrawal symptoms were on one today.

but jaemin had kept that all to himself. even though it had been quite a long time since the boy had stopped using all those pills and liquors and everything else in between, his body was just taking its sweet time in fully recovering. he figured that he would probably need medication to help control and speed up the process, but as mentioned before he never told anyone about it. yet he didn't think he needed that medication, because he had jeno and renjun.

that same high after a good few bottles of vodka, that same spark when he used to blow swirls of smoke into the air, that same adrenaline rush after his pills set in; he felt it all whenever he kissed those two boys. they made the pain go away. they made his troubling thoughts diminish from his mind. they made him change so much. and they did that, all with just that single touch. if it wasn't for them, jaemin honestly wouldn't know how he would be able to deal with it.

jeno and renjun were still soundly asleep, renjun in between them and jeno all the way over to the left of him. jaemin groaned silently, snaking his arms around renjun's hips and nuzzling his head into his back. his movements made the chinese boy whine in his sleep, and subconsciously turn towards jaemin's side. seeing this, jaemin leaned closer into him and placed slow and gentle pecks on his lips and cheeks, trying to kill off this headache that was being way more painful than the ones he would regularly have.

whenever he felt like this, the boy got to thinking of just how he ended up this way.

he hadn't ever told anyone about what happened to him. he wasn't sure why, but he just guessed he wasn't ready to talk about it yet. although the tragic events he's been through have happened several years ago, the boy still feels like it had just been yesterday.

when jaemin was around six years old, he was wandering into the living room of his house. it was after school that night, and he remembered just waking up from a nap and trying to find his mom or dad to ask them if he could have something to eat. when the back-then baby was at the top of his stair steps, he looked down and saw his parents and two other men he hadn't ever seen before.

jaemin didn't know what his parents had done. jaemin didn't know what they were involved with. jaemin didn't know anything.

and he guessed that part was what hurt him the most, because he never got to know the reason behind why those men shot and killed both of his parents in front of his eyes. he saw everything; the blood, the hole created in their bodies, the sound of the bullets bouncing off the walls. little jaemin shrieked in horror, which caught the attention of the two men who were still, standing over his mom and dad. immediately, they sprinted towards jaemin and snatched him up; the boy hadn't ever been so scared in his life.

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