17. Halloween

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It was just a week after the incident at Tyler's house that it was Halloween.

Josh didn't have any particular opinion on Halloween. He didn't love it. He didn't hate it. He didn't even really celebrate it.

However, it was the day of Halloween that Josh was sitting at lunch with Tyler and Jenna that he was given a reason to celebrate it.

Jenna had just sat down and had a wide smile on her face. "Guess what!"

"What?" Tyler asked from where he sat beside Josh. Things between them were still casual. They were still flirty with each other. They haven't kissed since Tyler's house mostly because Josh was scared he was going to ruin it again. However, Tyler couldn't be totally repulsed by him if they were still flirting.

"Clear your calendar for tonight," she began. "We're going to a party!"

Josh's nose scrunched up in distaste. "A party?"

However, Tyler practically paled. "A party?" He looked terrified. Maybe it was an anxiety thing.

Jenna's face softened when she saw Tyler's expression. "It'll be okay," she told him. "We'll talk later."

"Why a party?" Josh asked.

"Ashley, the girl you met at homecoming, throws killer Halloween parties every year. Like, genuinely outstanding. She has a theme every year too. This year it's magical and supernatural," she explained, sending a wink towards Tyler. "She invited us. All of us."

"I don't know..." Josh trailed off. "It's like super last minute. Plus I'm not a party person. I went to like two with acquaintances back in Ohio and didn't like them."

"C'mon," Jenna pouted. "It'll be fun. I've gone every year of high school. Tyler's coming too, right?"

Tyler still looked unnerved. "I um..."

"Great!" She clapped her hands together. "This'll be fun!"


Josh waited patiently in his car for Jordan to hurry. He wanted to get home so he could get ready for this party. If Tyler was going, he had to go.

The devil himself opened the door, sliding in. "I need a costume I'm going to a party tonight," he instantly said.

"What party?" Josh asked.

"Some girl's. She's on the cheer team. My friends and I are gonna sneak in."


"Yeah? How'd you know?" Jordan asked, grabbing the aux cord he put in there and plugging it into his phone. Josh didn't question it. Jordan surprisingly didn't play shitty music.

"I'm going too. I actually got invited."

Jordan's mouth fell open. "You're going to a party?"

"I know!" Josh laughed out. "Crazy."

"We need to go to Party City!" Jordan urged. "Stat!"

Josh rolled his eyes and backed out, making his way home. He was asking if he could even go before he did anything (with much complaint from Jordan).

Once the two got home, they entered and shut the door quietly. "We're home!" He called.

"In my room!" His mom called back.

The two brothers walked in, seeing their mom folding laundry on the bed. "Hey," Josh greeted.

"Hi boys, how was school?"

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