A DARE! (Kidou Yuuto x Nerd!Reader)

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You were a student at teikoku Academy. You're grades were really great. You were a nerd so not many at your schools like you but there was someone who caught your interest, it was none other than Kidou Yuuto. You had a crush on him, since the day you met in the library.


You were sitting in the library, study for an upcoming maths exam. You really hate maths, and there were some problems you can't solve. You groan and put the books aside.

"I give up, this is a disaster." You said bumping your head on the table.

"Excuse me." You heard a male voice and look up and saw a boy with goggles and blonde tied braided hair. You gotta admit he was cute. "Do you need any help?" He asked and you blushed. He's kind a cute! You thought. Stop it [Y/n], you don't even know him.

"Um actually, there's some problems I can't solve." You told him and he looked at the problems.

"Don't worry, I can help you." He said taking a seat beside you. He helped you with all the problems. You couldn't help but blush the whole.

"And complete." You said as you solve the last problem. "Thanks for your help...um." you just remembered that you forgot to asks his name.

"Kidou Yuuto." He said.

"Thanks for your help Kidou-san." You said smiling. "Ah my name is [L/n] [Y/n], nice to m at you."

"Nice to meet you too, [L/n]-san." He said smiling.

"No it's okay, call me just [Y/n]." You said.

"Okay, just [Y/n], call me whenever you need help in study or anything." He said as you chuckle. He chuckled as well. Then he write a number on your notebook.

No way, is he giving me his phone number, lucky girl, [Y/n].

"Let's exchange our numbers so we can talk to each other." He said giving you his number and you gave him yours.

Flashback End,

"[Y/n]-san, daydreaming about your crush, again?" You best friend [BFF] tease while smirking.

"You know, what you have to confess to him or else he'd taken away." She said as you lost in thoughts.

She's right but what if he doesn't love me.

"You're right, [BFF], but what if he don't like nerd like me." You said as she sighed.

"Okay [Y/n], me and my friends are having a sleepover party at my house. Do you want to come?" She said changing the subject.

"Sorry, (BFF), but I don't think you're friends wouldn't like me." You said sighed. 

"Okay then how about I came to your house for a sleepover." She said. "I'll said to my friend to come over my house the other day.";

"Okay." You agreed. After school, your mom sent you to grocery store. You were looking at the list that you bump into someone. All your shopping bags fell.

"I'm sorry." You heard a familiar voice. Kidou Yuuto.

He helped you with your bags. "No it's fine Kidou." You said as you reached for the last bag and he did the same. Your hands touching his. You blushed and looked away. He did the same.

"thanks." You said getting up.

"No problem, say [Y/n]-chan, you want come and see our soccer practice after school?" He asked. You blushed.

"Yeah sure, Kidou-san." You said as you wave at him and left.


Your best friend came to your house for a slumber party. You both played different games and do different things.  And then, she decided to play truth or dare. You were thinking about Kidou, he asked you to watch his practice. You smile at thought. But your train of thoughts was interrupted by your best friend.

"Alright [Y/n] truth or dare." She asked grinning.

"Dare." You said without thinking. She smirk.

"I dare you to confess to Kidou Yuuto tomorrow." She said still smirking.

"Eh?!!!!! No way I can't do that." You said while blushing. "Besides how can he like a Nerd like me?"

"A Dare is a Dare, [N/n]-chan." She said in a singing tone. You sighed. "I can't say no to this now, can I?" 

"Okay, fine I'll do it." You said as She grin.

~Next day~

After your classes, you went to watch their practice, you saw Kidou doing his twin boost with his friend Sakuma. You smiled at him.

he's really amazing,

"Hey [Y/n], I didn't notice you were there." He said coming towards you while blushing.

"You were amazing, Kidou-san." You said with close eyed smile. He blush. Sakuma elbowed him and said something in his ear before leaving you with him alone. Kidou blush and came near you. You were wondering what he said which make the genius playmaker blush.

But soon his blushed disappeared and a smirk appear on his face.

"I figured you would say that." He was still smirking. "I know that im amazing, anyway thanks for coming."

Now that's was new, you never say this side of him but you like it, you blushed when you remember your dare.

"I want to tell you something." You both said at once.

"You first." You both said again.

"No you first." Again you both said. After a bit silence, you both started to laugh.

"So what is it, that you want to say?" He asked.

"Kid-- no Yuuto, I actually want to tell you this that I, um, I l-love y-you." You said shattering. "But it's okay, if you don't like me back, there must be some other girl you like. I just want to--" you were cut off by something soft on you lips, you gasped as you realized Kidou was kissing you. It was rough but passionate at the same time. You slowly kissed back putting your arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer.

After some time you pulled away.

"I love you too, [Y/n], and remember that I would never love any other girl because you are my first love." He said.

"I also love you since the first moment, I saw you." With that, you kissed him again and he kissed back.

"I love you, [Y/n]-san."

"I love you too, Yuuto-kun."

Here it is this one shot was requested by Gin_Vodka_Lite. Sorry if the reader isn't nerd. But I really hope you like it. 

Stay Awesome and cool, lovelies.

​​​​​Bye minna-san!

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